Mutiply KNOPPIX images

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Mutiply KNOPPIX images
started by: donno45989

Posted by donno45989 on Sep. 15 2004,11:45
I was wondering if there was a way to have too KNOPPIX files (The compressed file system) obious names are different.

SO in the cd drive it would have cd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX and cd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIXOLD

So this way I can have the latest version, an older version and my remake all on the one cd so I choose wich file system to boot.

Posted by guest on Sep. 15 2004,12:00
you can do:
copy to /DSL-0.8.0/KNOPPIX
and an other version to /DSL-0.8.1/KNOPPIX
note: the image name remains KNOPPIX yet the directory name can be anything

and than at the boot prompt type:
dsl knoppix_dir=DSL-0.8.0 to start version 0.8.1
dsl knoppix_dir=DSL-0.8.1 to start the other

you could change your isolinux.cfg to take other kernels and miniroots (linux24. minirt24.gz)

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