Boot from Floppy/CD

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Boot from Floppy/CD
started by: H45H

Posted by H45H on Sep. 19 2004,22:26
I am a *ux newb... I'm trying to get DSL to work on my old Pentium 150 Mhz 128 RAM... Using version of DSL:

Booting from CDROM:
ISOLINUX 2.04 (Debian, 2003-06-06)
isolinux: Loading spec packet failed, trying to wing it ...
isolinux: Failed to locate CD-Rom device; boot failed.

So I almost gave up until I found the IMAGE File. I got it onto the floppy. WOO it actually boots up.  But, thats it. It seems to boot, mount, etc... It goes through, displays the many directories its trying to create on the ramdisk arent found, and says its in Panic, and stops.

Booting from Floppy:
An error says:

You passed an undefined mode number... Press <RETURN> to see the video modes available <SPACE> to continue or wait 30 seconds.
-List of modes goes here-
Enter mode number or 'scan':

Uncompressing Linux, OK, Booting the Kernal.

After that, stuff appears on the screen, scrolls down fast. The things that stuck out to me were:

total memory __ KB (empty, no number for the memory)...
Kernal Panic...
*stops here, forever*

I've spent hours upon hours, through several days trying to get this far. The support here, for newbs and experts alike seems very nice and balanced, and I DO appreciate any time and imput you can put into this matter.

I posted this elsewhere, sorry, in addition to an already developed thread, so I decided to start a new one here. Sorry.)

Posted by roberts on Sep. 19 2004,23:00
You are using the boot-0.8.0.img file to make the boot floppy?
With the scan message appearing usually means that your video cannot display the high res text screen so try booting from floppy like this:

boot dsl vga=normal

or might also try

boot fb800x600

Posted by H45H on Sep. 19 2004,23:35
Quote (roberts @ Sep. 19 2004,19:00)
You are using the boot-0.8.0.img file to make the boot floppy?
With the scan message appearing usually means that your video cannot display the high res text screen so try booting from floppy like this:

boot dsl vga=normal

or might also try

boot fb800x600

Yes, I am.

Also, boot dsl vga=normal solved that error.
I still get the other errors:

Accessing DSL Linux at /dev/sdz1... at No file/KNOPPIC/etc.. blah blah
Setting Paths... /linux ... /KNOPPIX/bin/1n: Not Found

egep: not found
sed: not found
rm: not found
awk: not found
awk: not found
Total Memory found:     KB
expr: not found
expr: not found
mkdir: not found
Creating directories and sumlinks on ramdisk...
mkdir: not foundchown: not found
/linuxrc: cannot create /var/num/utmp: directory non-existant
FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
Kernel Panic: VFX: Unable to mount fs on 01:03

Posted by roberts on Sep. 20 2004,00:33
What is your cdrom device?  Does 0.7.3 boot from your cdrom?
Posted by H45H on Sep. 20 2004,00:57
Its an hp cd-writer plus, multiread, cdrw... etc etc... i used THIS exact drive on another computer to run the exact same cd of DSL, and it worked perfectly. its just not working here.

No livecd linux distro's work.

i.e. i've also tried mandrake.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 20 2004,01:15
mandrake move also uses ISOlinux, try DSL 0.7.3 and see if that works

<0.7.3 used syslinux, which is much more friendly to older/obscure hardware.


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