Saving Settings

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Saving Settings
started by: KBrown

Posted by KBrown on Sep. 26 2004,08:40
I would really appreciate some help understanding what is happening when I boot up dsl with the live cd 8.1.1 on my gw laptap using "dsl restore=hda5".  All seems to go well until I get to the end of bootup when this appears:

"INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
end request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0
end request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0
end request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0
end request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0
Fat: unable to read boot sector
su(pam_unix)[361]: session opened for user dsl by (uid=0)
Using Xvesa default 1024x768x32 -mouse "/dev/input/mice" mouse
xauth:   creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority
xauth:   creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority"

When dsl comes up, the saved settings do not show unless I mount the hda5 where my backup is and restore.

When shutting down and rebooting, this message appears:

"Failed to load groupfile:
BScreen::managing screen 0 using visual 0x21, depth 24
Failed to read class hint!
Restoring backup files from /mnt/hda Done."

If I don't use "dsl restore = hda5" at boot the I/O error goes away, but of course my settings do not appear either.   Here is my filetool.1st list :

btw....I have no floppy device connected.

Thanks for your help!

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 26 2004,11:56
"dsl restore = hda5"
"dsl restore=hda5"

these are NOT the same!
the first is WRONG do not put spaces in between.
the second is ok and should work

Posted by plastic on Sep. 26 2004,23:14
How do I save the wallpaper changes and disable the icons from showing up at startup?

Also, how do I save the aliases I make?

Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 26 2004,23:22
The icon part is easy...

At the boot prompt, type  "dsl noicons", or add "noicons" to your existing boot command string.

Read the instructions on using the backup/restore filetool.lst or search the forums for keyword "filetool.lst" for additional help.

If you write down the exact command to create your wallpaper, you can add it to your /opt/ file and save it.

Posted by plastic on Sep. 27 2004,00:41
Quote (cbagger01 @ Sep. 26 2004,19:22)
The icon part is easy...

At the boot prompt, type  "dsl noicons", or add "noicons" to your existing boot command string.

Read the instructions on using the backup/restore filetool.lst or search the forums for keyword "filetool.lst" for additional help.

If you write down the exact command to create your wallpaper, you can add it to your /opt/ file and save it.

I installed DSL to my hard drive, so I don't get a boot prompt.

As for the wallpaper, is it possible to have the wallpaper only for user dsl and not for root? When I try to edit, it won't let me, probably because I'm not root.

Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 27 2004,03:57
The equivalent of the boot prompt for the hard drive install user is the "append" line of your lilo config.

You can edit the lilo config and save it and then be sure to rerun lilo to start using the new config. Search the forums for "LILO" for more details.

As for editing those files that can only be edited by root, do this:

Open an xterminal and type:

sudo scite /opt/

and you should be in business.

Posted by KBrown on Sep. 27 2004,09:19
Thanks alot, henk1955, for your reply.  Of course you are right and that solved the problem I noted above.  I didn't know the difference and would have continued in ignorance.
I am still having trouble saving my sound settings, and it just seems a matter of not understanding where to put the lines.  I have an Ess 1879 soundcard and sound will appear if I try:
"modprobe sb io_0x240 irq=5 dma=1 esstype=1879
modprobe opl3"
"rmmod soundcore
modprobe sb io=0x240 irq=5 dma=1  mpu_io=0x330
modprobe opl3"

exit x

This is the one remaining hardware that I cannot get to work and would sure appreciate some help.

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 27 2004,10:11
if you kown which lines to type to have sound.
then you could edit /opt/
put the lines in there

make sure /opt/ is in your filetool.lst
so if you backup, and at startup use restore=hda5
the lines you put in /opt/ will be executed

Posted by KBrown on Sep. 27 2004,10:45
I am using the lines
"modprobe sb io_0x240 irq=5 dma=1 esstype=1879
modprobe opl3"
and they are in  The lines are saved and reappear at startup, but the sound doesn't.  Is there something I am leaving out?  Right now, my looks like this:
#modprobe sb io_0x240 irq=5 dma=1 esstype=1879
#modprobe opl3"

The opt/ is on my home/dsl/filetool.1st.

The sound will only appear after modprobe as above and then exit x (control, alt bksp), startx

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 27 2004,11:13
#modprobe sb io_0x240 irq=5 dma=1 esstype=1879
#modprobe opl3"

all lines that start with # are ignored by bash ( the are used to comment things)
the first line #!/bin/bash is OK ( do NOT remove this #)
line 2, 3 : remove the #'s

Posted by KBrown on Sep. 27 2004,12:41
Thanks a Million! Now for the first time at boot, voila sound!  I had to use the rmmod soundcore, but it is working!!!  Now I have to learn how to use this Linux
Laptop.  This OS is running very much better than Windows XP! My next challenge is to save the dial up settings and learn the firewall.  Thanks again, henk1955.
You made my day!

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