
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Printerconfigfiles
started by: meo

Posted by meo on Oct. 03 2004,15:59
What files do I have to save to backup to make my printer work when I restore the backup? I have tried several times but someting I must have missed. Thanks in advance!

Have fun,

Posted by roberts on Oct. 03 2004,18:36

Then be sure to also add lpd to the boot options, .e.g.,

boot:  dsl lpd restore=hda2

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 03 2004,21:16
Sounds like this is a nice addition to the DSL user guide.
Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 04 2004,07:23
i have found that if you add /var/spool/lpd to the filetool.lst it backs up the printer queue, that is it backs up the most recent printed files, that could be a cople of Mbytes if it where pages with big images.
so what i did was
1. setup the printer using menu-system-printing/lpd-configure printer
2. make a spool_lp..tar.gz from the opt/apsfilter/ opt/printcap var/spool/lpd/
i use
Code Sample
tar -czvf spool_lp.tar.gz /opt/apsfilter /opt/printcap /var/spool/lpd

3. i put this spool_lp.tar.gz in the same location as all dsl extensions that are loaded at startup.
now every time i boot i have a clean /var/spool/lpd printer queue.
and it saves a lot of space in my backup.tar.gz

Posted by meo on Oct. 04 2004,10:21
Thanks everybody for your help! It is deeply appreciated since I use DSL every day and anything that speeds things up or makes it easier for me is welcome.

Keep on having fun,

Posted by roberts on Oct. 04 2004,17:19
Actually, I do as henk1955 does. It is what I have called factoring out those part of the backup that do not change and are really setup and configuration files. Mine I call myPrinter.tar.gz, as I similarly have myWireless.tar.gz, etc. That way you keep your backup smaller and faster. Thanks for pointing that out henk.
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