mounting NTFS

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: mounting NTFS
started by: charleswong

Posted by charleswong on Oct. 05 2004,02:26

When I tried to mount a NTFS format drive, I received a warning message: the mount drive is read only. How can I mount a NTFS drive in read-write mode?

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 05 2004,03:24
You most likely would need to install additional software for this.  NTFS is a closed format, and at this time writing to it is still unreliable.  For this reason many distros do not support writing to NTFS.  It's possible that you can screw up data on your NTFS partition by writing to it from anything other than WindowsNT/2000/XP.
The most reliable option is to add a FAT32 partition which can be read and written to from both Windows and Linux.

Posted by charleswong on Oct. 05 2004,08:52

Thanks for your reply!

I'm not going to write some software in a new partition. I'm going to write a program to update files in existing file format. Exsting file format could be FAT32, NTFS (most likely).

Any work around solution?

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