problem running program

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: problem running program
started by: exerd

Posted by exerd on Oct. 13 2004,18:43
first i installed bitchx from "mydsl" then i installed quake2 and doom from there but i cant find the at mydsl meny when they are installed. what shall i do to start them?
Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 13 2004,23:47
The only thing I can think of, if you don't have a menu entry added (it should create a MyDSL submenu), is maybe you're logged in as something other than dsl.  When you install an extension which creates a menu item, that item is added to /home/dsl/.fluxbox/menu
If you created a new user, or are logged in as root, those applications won't be part of your menu.
Or maybe you installed as root?  I'm not completely clear on how the menu items are added, but it may be that installing as root will cause the menu item to be created in /root/.fluxbox/menu.  In this case, you wouldn't have it in the /home/dsl/.fluxbox/menu.

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