Graphics Issues

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Graphics Issues
started by: DaCuBaN

Posted by DaCuBaN on Oct. 15 2004,12:18
Not an entirely accurate description, but any pictures do seem to have inverted colours...

I've tried running in various different modes (this is my work computer, a crappy intel based gfx & mobo, celeron cpu booting from cd) from 640 upto 1024 (max this monitor can take) and irregardless of the colour depth or resolution, the result is the same: Pictures showing their colours to be inverted.

I don't think dsl likes me... :laugh:

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 15 2004,12:41
Try editing your /home/dsl/.xserverrc file and add the command line "-swaprgb" to the Xvesa command.

Then type CTL-ALT-BACKSPACE or choose Window Manager Exit

Then type "startx" to restart.

You will only get 8 bit color and the background will change color on you but the active window will look normal.

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