Getting the geforce 4 to work

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Getting the geforce 4 to work
started by: exerd

Posted by exerd on Oct. 15 2004,16:51
Hi iīve just installed dsl on my computer with a geforce 4 card but i donīt think that the grapiccard is installed correctly because all movies i play lags. How do i see what grapiccard i have installed and how do i install it? ps im pretty new to linux.
Posted by skaos on Oct. 16 2004,14:09
DSL comes with generic X-server (I guess that in winspeak you could call that a graphics driver) which I believe isn't able to use any graphics acceleration. If you have a pretty new computer (more than 128-256 MB), I suggest that you try Knoppix or some Knoppix based distro that comes with the full XFree86 X-server (which should be able to use acceleration).
Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 16 2004,17:37

The Xvesa server that is built into DSL does have some 2D acceleration, but 3D acceleration is not supported.

The Nvidia graphics cards usually have very good VESA support, so they should work just fine with DSL.

Just don't try to play DOOM3 while running DSL :-)

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 16 2004,17:49
Actually, with a decent CPU and Graphic card, games like
Doom2, Quake2, Heretic2, RT2, etc..  play nicely with DSL
in software rendering mode..


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