saving the language settings!

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: saving the language settings!
started by: exerd

Posted by exerd on Oct. 19 2004,17:20
Hi iīve made a hdinstall of dsl and then i used the command "loadkeys sv_latin1" but when i restart the computer i have to type the command "Loadkeys sv_latin1" again. How do i save the language settings iīve made?
thanx for you answers.

Posted by jls legalize on Oct. 19 2004,19:54
in the file /etc/lilo.conf there is the append line, put there lang=xx where xx is your language, and then run lilo.
Do this as superuser.

Posted by exerd on Oct. 19 2004,21:58
tnx but i canīt save the file even though im superuser! =( i open the file with scite. Shall it be "lang=se" or "loadkeys sv_latin1" ?
Posted by roberts on Oct. 20 2004,05:36
If the command loadkeys sv_latin1 works then the easiest way is to use /opt/ Place that exact command in that script. I made /opt/ so that it would work regardless of the installation type of DSL.
Posted by exerd on Oct. 20 2004,09:07
canīt save the file either. im superuser why doesnt it work??? btw can i use this in /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ loadkeys se_latin1 ??? because i have to be in the qwertyfolder to use the loadkeys command.
Posted by skaos on Oct. 20 2004,14:22
Works fine here - are you really root, or could there be a problem with the hd-install (the access rights should be -rwxr-xr-x)?
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