automatic turn screen off

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: automatic turn screen off
started by: exerd

Posted by exerd on Oct. 19 2004,17:23
How do i turn the thing that makes my screen black after a while?
and also how do i save it when i turned it of?

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 19 2004,19:40
add this to $HOME/.xinitrc (BEFORE the last command):
xset s off

Posted by exerd on Oct. 20 2004,10:00
hmm i canīt find the .xinitrc im looking in /home/ . whats wrong? please help!
Posted by skaos on Oct. 20 2004,10:12
$HOME is a so-called environment variable and it probably points to /home/dsl (for the dsl user, for other users it points to their home directory). You can view it by the following command: echo $HOME
Posted by exerd on Oct. 20 2004,13:41
yea its /home/dsl/ what shall i do now? step by step please!
Posted by skaos on Oct. 20 2004,14:17
Edit .xinitrc, for example from the command line: scite .xinitrc
Add "xset s off" (without quotes) on a separate line before the last line (i.e. before "fluxbox"). Hope this helps.

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