scrolling in mozilla firefox!

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: scrolling in mozilla firefox!
started by: exerd

Posted by exerd on Oct. 20 2004,14:50
Hi i cant get the scroll working in mozilla firebird. I can "click"  the scroll down to go down on pages  but i cant simply "scroll" down pages. i think its like this in every program. I have choosen the settings for a 3button mouse.


Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 20 2004,14:52
Just a quick test..

Try another mouse...
Some "mouseys" just don't cooperate with the system.
I replaced mine, which was uncooperative in many ways.
Picked up a $3.00 cheap scroll mouse, problem solved..


Posted by exerd on Oct. 20 2004,15:11
Hmm when im logged in as root it works so it must be some kind of configuration =(
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