Cant "make install"

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Cant "make install"
started by: exerd

Posted by exerd on Oct. 20 2004,16:11
what do i have to install to make the command "make install" work?
Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 20 2004,23:19
If you have a liveCD system, try the gcc extension at
< >

If you have a harddrive installed DSL, I recommend using apt-get or dpkg to install the official debian packages for gcc and make.

Keep in mind that DSL is a stripped down distribution, which doesn't include development libraries, headers, etc necessary to compile many programs.  Without these, you'll find that you can compile only a small percentage of the applications available in the open source world.

Posted by lyn on Oct. 23 2004,09:59

iam new to dsl and i have a similar problem:
i've done a hd-install of dsl successfully. iam connecting to the net over wlan. i've a smc 2632w v2 pcmcia card. unfortunately this card is not supported bei cardmgr. i know that the card has an atmel chipset. i've found drivers on the web, but i need make to install them. i've read in the forum that i can get make & gcc throug apt-get. but i have atm no chance to connect to the net. now my question is how i can get make & gcc without having a working inet connection (on my other suse-machine i can conenct to the net)!
can anyone help me?

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 23 2004,13:18
One option:
There are DEB packages available for gcc/make.
Download the dpkg extension from the DSL extensions repository.
Download (*.deb packages) gcc, make, and any dependencies from the nearest Debian mirror.
Install with "dpkg -i name_of_package.deb"

Another option:
Compiling on your suse machine might work.  I've compiled most of my extensions this way, though drivers may fail as far as I know.

Posted by StrayDog on Oct. 23 2004,14:53
Can you download the gcc1.dsl file on your other machine and then burn it to a CD?  Or a zip drive?  Or a USB key?  Then run that dsl file from your live CD?

You could also make a multisession CD on your suse machine, starting with DSL, adding a directory called optional and putting the gcc1 file there.

Posted by lyn on Oct. 23 2004,19:06
thx for your answer. but can you tell me were i can get the packages?
i've found nothing on the website and the faq.


i think i found it. under unstable in the dsl extensions area!

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