How can I burn the iso with x-cd-roast?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: How can I burn the iso with x-cd-roast?
started by: soinsg

Posted by soinsg on Oct. 20 2004,23:42
Well I followed the instructions at < > however I notice I need a directory to point to the boot image. I assume this is within the iso somewhere, surely there must be a way to burn a bootable iso without specifying the path to a local boot image (I think Nero does it automagically).
Posted by soinsg on Oct. 21 2004,00:09
Ok it turns out that the bootable options aren't looked at when you use an iso. (Yeah I got it working, some weird colours I am experiencing with the framebuffer and my dell laptop - I just found 2 hidden partitions approx 2gb grr).
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 21 2004,00:25
I just found 2 hidden partitions approx 2gb

yup, i gained about 2gb when i reformatted my dell...

and as for your color problem, try xvesa with whatever your preferred resolution and 16 bit color, if that works, increase the color density until it craps out. then go back down a notch. Xfbdev should only be used when xvesa doesn't, really.


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