How do I choose the resolution of the terminal?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: How do I choose the resolution of the terminal?
started by: soinsg

Posted by soinsg on Oct. 21 2004,21:20
Everytime I boot it says:
You have passed an undefined mode number.
Press <RETURN> to see video modes available, <SPACE> to continue or wait 30 seconds.

I am presented with a menu listing some columns x rows. If I choose anything other than 80x25, then exit fluxbox it half reverts to 80x25. By that I mean the size of the screen is now 80x25 but the prompt and a lot of recent output is off the bottom of the screen.

I tried booting with fb1024x768 (the max res for my laptop), but unless the font is huge, I don't think it worked. I know it's possible to get a higher resolution as I've seen distros (slackware I think it was) with 128 column screens, and a 5 pixel high font wasn't being used either.

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 21 2004,22:31
try booting with:

dsl vga=789

Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 22 2004,17:21
or completely skip it by pressing space and let DSL choose for you..on almost every setup I have never had to select those


Posted by soinsg on Oct. 25 2004,09:55
Ok I have it working now. I'm using 'dsl vga=773' which I saw in a lilo.conf but didn't know what it was until now.
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