recall smbclient command

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: recall smbclient command
started by: tempestuous

Posted by tempestuous on Oct. 22 2004,11:06
DSL's smbtree and smbclient are great ... but I can never remember the correct command string -
smbclient //machinename/sharefolder -U windowsusername -W windowsdomain
... so I refer to written notes each time.
I could make an icon or menu entry to run the command, but my laptop needs to join different networks, and it would be annoying to have to change the icon setting or menu setting each time.

Is there some way of loading a command string (like the one above) in an xterminal ready to be modified before executing it?
Or is there another more elegant and sensible solution?
Anyone know?
Craig S

Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 22 2004,17:20
Quote (tempestuous @ Oct. 22 2004,07:06)
DSL's smbtree and smbclient are great ... but I can never remember the correct command string -
smbclient //machinename/sharefolder -U windowsusername -W windowsdomain
... so I refer to written notes each time.
I could make an icon or menu entry to run the command, but my laptop needs to join different networks, and it would be annoying to have to change the icon setting or menu setting each time.

Is there some way of loading a command string (like the one above) in an xterminal ready to be modified before executing it?
Or is there another more elegant and sensible solution?
Anyone know?
Craig S

whitebox.dsl : which makes it easy to configure fluxbox

You could always write a shell script to ask you the sharename/password this way it will log you in after you enter the correct info


Posted by tempestuous on Oct. 25 2004,05:13
Thanks Brian.
I knew that a bash script would be a solution, but I don't really have the skills to tackle this myself, and I was hoping that there was a "ready-made" solution that I had overlooked.  I had already experimented with various gui's - gnomba, komba, jags, tksmb, xsmbrowser, and linneighborhood.  All had dependency problems after installing from debs.
Meanwhile, Rob has indicated that he may automate the smbclient config process in the next release of DSL.

Posted by Nanobot on Nov. 03 2004,14:07
I might be a bit off...but you know about the samba.dsl package that brings you a working linneighborhood right?
Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 03 2004,15:41
Quote (Nanobot @ Nov. 03 2004,09:07)
I might be a bit off...but you know about the samba.dsl package that brings you a working linneighborhood right?

I think he wants "boot up and mounted"
Not have to go clicky, clicky, click to be ready

If you have a HD install all you have to do is add
smbclient //machinename/sharefolder -U windowsusername -W windowsdomain
or whatever your notes say to the /opt/ file and it will automatically mount at boot

P.S.  /opt/ is just like /etc/rc.d/rc.local file in RH


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