screen process

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: screen process
started by: seke

Posted by seke on Oct. 23 2004,18:21
Well... I´m using DSL and I absolutly love it... fits perfectly on my old laptop... but... what happend to the command 'screen'?...  :D
Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 24 2004,14:01
It's right here:
< >

Posted by seke on Oct. 24 2004,16:02
Oh... thank you damn much...
Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 24 2004,21:26
I'm not sure, but that sounded like sarcasm :laugh:

Basically, I'm just saying that I don't think screen is part of damnsmall.  I could try to build an extension for it if you'd like.  I say "try" because some applications require ridiculously huge dependencies (such as Qt) which make the creation of a DSL extension pretty much pointless....if it doesn't end up being damn small, I don't usually bother with it.
I can't see this being the case with screen, though.

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