I'm new to Damnsmall Linux...

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: I'm new to Damnsmall Linux...
started by: rossjman1

Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 27 2004,15:21
I installed damnsmall on my hard drive without a hitch. I have both problems when running from the hd and cd.

1) I can't get it to work in any resolution higher than 800x600 while keeping the color depth higher than 8 bit.

2)My sound card is not supported. Do you know where I can find a driver for it? Rockwell International Riptide Audio Controller.

Thanks in advance.

Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 27 2004,18:11

Vendor Id : 127A
Device Id : 4311
Revision Id : 1
Sub Vendor Id : 1235
Sub Device Id : 4311

Vendor Name : CONEXANT
Device Name : HSF Data/Fax/TAM/Speakerphone (RIPTIDE)
Modem Type : HSF
Download Site : < http://www.linuxant.com/
You might have to get the g++.dsl from the testing to compile it

Or get the alien package converter and use the redhat/fedora rpm and convert to a .dep

Hope that helps

You video and monitor might now support anything higher...what is the video adapter in your system?


Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 27 2004,20:26
Try typing " Xvesa -listmodes "
to see what possible combos your video chipset will do ..

Paste the output here ..


Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 27 2004,21:14
I'm at school right now, but i will try "Xvesa -listmodes" when I get home. If it helps I have Intel chipset 810. And I will see if that audio controller driver works.
Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 27 2004,22:02
0x0006: 640x200x1 (monochrome) Planar (1 planes)
0x000D: 320x200x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x000E: 640x200x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0010: 640x350x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0011: 640x480x1 (monochrome) Planar (1 planes)
0x0012: 640x480x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0013: 320x200x8 PseudoColor
0x011D: 320x200x8 PseudoColor (no linear framebuffer)
0x010E: 320x200x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x010F: 320x200x24 PseudoColor (no linear framebuffer)
0x0100: 640x400x8 PseudoColor (no linear framebuffer)
0x0127: 640x400x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0128: 640x400x24 TrueColor [8:8:8:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0101: 640x480x8 PseudoColor (no linear framebuffer)
0x0110: 640x480x15 TrueColor [5:5:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0111: 640x480x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0112: 640x480x24 TrueColor [8:8:8:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0102: 800x600x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0103: 800x600x8 PseudoColor (no linear framebuffer)
0x0113: 800x600x15 TrueColor [5:5:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0114: 800x600x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
0x0105: 1024x768x8 PseudoColor (no linear framebuffer)

And where can I get Alien Package Converter?

Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 28 2004,17:07
How do I install that sound driver? Whenever I try to do what it said in the readme, I get command not found error.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 28 2004,17:27
Thanks for your posting up the output of listmodes..

Guess that answers that..
Your video card's VESA compliancy only offers up to 1024x768x8 ..


Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 28 2004,17:55
0x0114: 800x600x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0] (no linear framebuffer)
Seems like this is your best bet

Get alien package converter from < http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ >

you have to have the gcc++.dsl installed...it has to be able to compile


Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 28 2004,21:02
Do all Linux's use Vesa?
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 28 2004,22:21
Most don't...

DSL uses the KDrive XVesa/Xfbdrv xservers for it's small size
and suitable performance..

The typical xservers on most LARGER distros are the XFree86 and X.Org xserver
alnog with a driver/module for your particular video chipset.

But the XVesa/Xfbdev xservers are found in many different
"mini distros" ..


Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 29 2004,02:55
Than I would rather use Windows. I tryed to install Windows, as I did many times before. Windows doesn't load. I get a screen full of 9s. Has anyone heard of this before? I know most of you don't use Windows, and wouldn't know the answer, but it's worth a try.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 29 2004,03:02
Use a win98 boot disk to boot your computer,
and run "fdisk /mbr" at the floppy  a:\  prompt

You may be able to use your windows CD, depending on
the version of windows your trying to install..
Select "command prompt" if offered, and run the "fdisk /mbr"
at the prompt ..

The 9's will go away..


Posted by skaos on Oct. 29 2004,12:58
If you don't have a boot disk, you can find one at < http://www.bootdisk.com >
Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 29 2004,16:55
I do have a bootdisk, and I did use fdisk, but I didn't use the /mbr after it. Ill try it when I get home. And by the way, I'm using the recovery disk that came with my computer to install Windows 98se.
Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 29 2004,19:55
You're not giving up on DSL are ya??

If you are going to install a brand new os on a harddrive (that once had data and whatnot on it) its best to wipe clean and then do an install

I have a wipe floppy that will restore your HD to factory default (wont fix physical problems) but will eliminate all data from a harddrive and make it "clean" for a new OS install

< http://awphuch2000.dyndns.org:1079/dban/auto.build/quick/ >


Posted by rossjman1 on Oct. 29 2004,21:29
Thank you so much. fdisk/mbr did the trick, strange enough /mbr was not listed when I typed fdisk/?.
Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 30 2004,00:09
Its not listed...
its just an option
This is good to know as well
< http://members.bellatlantic.net/~mrscary/fdisk.htm >


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