Restore settings on reboot

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Restore settings on reboot
started by: sniper

Posted by sniper on Oct. 30 2004,09:17
Can any one explain how to restore such settings as dial up connection and Sylpheed mail accounts, after rebooting.
I have backed up to fd0 and am using dsl restore=fd0, but thisdoes not restore these settings, though files are restored.
I guess I need to add something to filetool.lst but what?
I see that other newbies have the same problem.

Posted by thepig666 on Oct. 30 2004,15:14
I try everything possible, so I'm now pretty sure it is a BUG. :O

Tooo bad   :(

The problem seems this:

Restore function actually restore the backed up files for real, it just do that AFTER the boot process (rc.* files) is done. Or maybe it's just unable to put the file in the correct location to be read and/or executed (I had a look at the problem and there are lot of symlinks on the DSL boot process)!

On HDinstall this happen _just_ for the *.sh files, like file. On HDinstall DSL setups .xinitrc, .xserver and those files are _correctly restored and read_.

On CD-ROM boot the restore always restore the files then it do not read the configuration files like .x* and do not execute the executable files like .  ???

Need to say: I don't have this problem with real Knoppix, it backup and restore the settings pretty much ok all the time.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 30 2004,15:27
Sniper :

For backup/restore of your mail and settings,
add these to your home/dsl/filetool.lst ..


You should already have opt/ppp for your dialup backup in filetool.lst ..
Do the menu options System > Net Setup > DSL/PPPoE > 'Pon' and 'Poff' help ?


Posted by sniper on Oct. 31 2004,08:27
many thanks, problem solved
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