Broadband modem problem

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Broadband modem problem
started by: RobDollar

Posted by RobDollar on Nov. 08 2004,01:01
Hi I'm a complete Linux noob, and very impressed with DSL. I'm running it on a PII 233 with 128mb ram.

I'm running DSL currently by booting off the 0.8.0 floppy, with the ISO extracted to my c:\ drive. I don't currently have a CD burner.  It boots and runs fine, except for the fact the modem driver fails. It trys to load a few drivers, but they all fail. When I go to net setup, it just says it can't find a card.

I have a speedtouch 330 ADSL modem.

I am reluctant to install on the HD, as I don't understand a lot about linux, but I'm trying to learn. Unfortunatly I feel a little lost when im in DSL without my broadband to connect to the outside world! So I'm going into DSL to have a play around and try some things, then rebooting into windows to get help & support.

Any ideas, comments or links greatly appreciated.


Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 08 2004,04:20
Here's a couple links that might help, since dsl is based on knoppix 3.4:

< >

< >

Also, if your modem works in MSWindows and you just want to give DSL a quick try with networking, try running DSL from inside Windows with full networking support.

It's called DSL embedded. It should work, but it runs REAL SLOW...

< >

Posted by RobDollar on Nov. 09 2004,00:29
Thanks a lot for that info cbagger01! I'm on my way to a life of linux.


Posted by ico2 on Nov. 10 2004,09:49
on a 233? it's slow enough on a 533
Posted by ico2 on Nov. 10 2004,09:51
dsl-embedded i mean, dsl normal will be nice and fast :)
Posted by RobDollar on Nov. 10 2004,23:38
Quote (ico2 @ Nov. 10 2004,04:49)
on a 233? it's slow enough on a 533

Yep, just tried the embedded version, it's painfully slow, but normal version runs great.

Posted by RobDollar on Nov. 11 2004,05:04
Thanks to all that helped, I am now so so near getting my connection working.  I have the driver sorted and everthing, but this happens when i try to connect: < Screen grab. >

Anyone got any ideas? I'm so close to getting this sorted.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 11 2004,05:24
Looks like your running from liveCD.
The update-modules can't update your /lib/modules.dep ,
because it is read-only on the CD.

Usually you have to try a more manual approach to adding your
module ( whatever.o ) to your lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers directory.

and look in your speedtouch-start file for some config lines that you could
type in a shell manually..

Once you have the magic working, making it restorable after a reboot is easy.


Posted by RobDollar on Nov. 14 2004,03:02
Still a bit stuck, athough it's not really a huge problem because I have fine access to the internet in w98, its still a bit of a pain in the arse.

Just got a bundle for my modem that should technically work fine, but I get this message when i try to make:

Error: could not find the source for your running kernel in /lib/modules/2.4.26/build

Is this an issue with running DSL live?

I'm still a complete newbie, and I think its going to take a while to get my head round all this.

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