Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DSL Live CD
started by: Raymond Hubbard

Posted by Raymond Hubbard on Nov. 14 2004,17:51
This may not be the place to ask this, but, not seeing on DSL's site where to get a Live cd of dsl, I'm asking here how to get one.  The site says how to order a cd, but it doesn't specify what's on it, only the kind of physical cd.  Any help?


Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 14 2004,20:16
Ordering a CD is a way of supporting the developers.

The live CD "image" , contained in an .iso file, is available as a free download,
for you to burn onto your own blank CD.

If you find DSL useful, and you continue to grow with the community,
You can show your support by purchasing a CD or other items available.

If you look above where you can click the "buy a cd"  , there is a link called "packages" .
It list many of the files and software found in DSL .
DSL is progressing so rapidly, the list is always behind the release,
but it gives you some idea of the variety available.

You can get it here..
< http://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/current/ >

The latest is dsl-0.8.4.iso


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