Color Problems

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Color Problems
started by: TheBlueDragon

Posted by TheBlueDragon on Nov. 15 2004,04:35
it seems as though I have a color problem...pretty much every picture inlcuding my backround has green somwhere in it...the logo is green the DHL letters are red....hmmmm

anyone know of any solutions?

(I am using cdrom boot by the way...I also did have a problem with the display settings...It couldent detect it....maybe I shoud keep trying the settings to see if it works....I will update if/when I get it working properly)

Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 15 2004,21:45
Try this:

Hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to exit Xwindows.


nano .xserverrc

Change this part of the command line. where it says:


replace with:

Xvesa -swaprgb

Leave the rest of the line intact.

Save the file (Control-O) and exit the program (Control-X)

Then type:


and hopefully things look a little better.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Nov. 16 2004,02:08
actually, just exit X with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and run

set it up to the correct resolution. by default, it is 1024x768 with 32 bit color.

you might try 800x600 with 16 bit color.


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