How to see the info of the Hard Disk?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: How to see the info of the Hard Disk?
started by: JMLG

Posted by JMLG on Nov. 15 2004,19:24

I would like to know how to see the info that is saved in my hard disk, but without installing Damn Small in the hard disk.
It seems like Damn Small only see the CDROM drive.

Thank you.

Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 15 2004,20:33
Quote (JMLG @ Nov. 15 2004,14:24)

I would like to know how to see the info that is saved in my hard disk, but without installing Damn Small in the hard disk.
It seems like Damn Small only see the CDROM drive.

Thank you.

on the "slit" the box on the right bottom corner there is an option to scroll left/right thru the devices on computer, floppy, cdrom, have to highlight the device you want to see and then hit the little screwdriver button and it will mount that device, then you can either use the terminal or the x filemanger to view

Good luck bud


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