Extracting the KNOPPIX file

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Extracting the KNOPPIX file
started by: akuma6099

Posted by akuma6099 on Dec. 18 2004,00:16
Hello DSL people!!! I finally decided to stick with DSL and I have learned quite a bit over the last few weeks/on-off years. I was wondering. What type of file is the KNOPPIX file located in the /knoppix/ folder on the CD?? I kinda of ran in to a problem with my PCMCIA modules that I won't get into..... and would like to extract a few things from the image. You have no Idea what I have to go through installing Operating systems with this laptop. Damn superSlim VAIO's  :laugh: .I am now the boot record GOD!!! anyways, I would like to mount the filesystem/structure that is used when booting DSL from cd. Ya know like under /mnt/knoppix. I've tried extracting it as a tar.gz/bz2. I also tried mounting KNOPPIX as an iso9660 with no luck. Any pointers anyone???
Posted by iconoclastus on Dec. 19 2004,06:48
I believe,

Code Sample

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mkdir /mnt/knoppix
mount -o loop /mnt/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /mnt/knoppix

Should allow you to see the file struct.

If you want to add things, or change things around without using the save/restore or myDSL (?) you have to "remaster" the CD.

Either the howto's, or google for "remastering knoppix".  I saw a book at Barnes and Noble called, "Knoppix Hacks" by O'Rielly that has a chaper dedicated to remastering, it is explained very well in there.


Posted by akuma6099 on Dec. 19 2004,21:13
Thanks for the reply, unfortuneately I had left out the fact that most SuperSlim Vaio laptops do not have built-in cdroms hence the boot record GOD. They are located in the docking station which I don't have. In order to install WinXP I have to plug my harddrive in my tower as (/dev/hda) so I can write to the boot record/make a fat32 partition...etc. With linux installs its similar via the loadlin. Its just a pain having to pull the caddy out as its under my touchpad and the screws are wearing away :D .  I've tried mounting it like "mount -o loop -t iso9660 /akuma/KNOPPIX /mnt/knoppix" with no luck. I just don't understand. I figure its either an image or a compressed file?
Posted by roadie on Dec. 19 2004,21:54
I have used "extract_compressed_fs" to get at the file structure.
I think it was "extract_compressed_fs KNOPPIX> temp.iso, then mount the iso.

It has been a while, so could be wrong, I've noticed there is'nt a lot of info on it.


Posted by noclobber on Dec. 19 2004,21:54
mount -o /dev/cloop -t iso9660 /akuma/KNOPPIX /mnt/knoppix

If that doesn't work, try "cloop1" in place of "cloop".

FYI, the KNOPPIX file is (was) originally generated by piping the output of mkisofs into create_compressed_fs.

Posted by anon coward on Mar. 03 2005,02:25
I order to extract the knoppix in DSL .9.2  you need to update the cloop-utils pacakge to an unstable debian version file . do this

boot cd
root shell
cd /etc/apt
add unstable or testing to your apt sources lsit
vi sources.list
delete the first  # you see
apt-get update
apt-get install -t testing cloop-utils

now you can use

mkdir /mnt/hda1/files
mkdir /mnt/hda1/openfiles
extract_compressed_fs /mnt/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX > /mnt/hda1/files.iso

mount -o loop /mnt/files.sio /mnt/hda1/files

cp -a /mnt/hda1/files/* /mnt/hda1/openfiles


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