gcompris help

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: gcompris help
started by: clivesay

Posted by clivesay on Dec. 24 2004,05:42
Could someone smarter than myself help me figure out a bug in gcompris? There seems to be an issue with the older version that is a .dsl in the repository. The Maze board always locks when you try to access it. I installed gcompris clean from stable with the same result. After you ctrl-alt-backspace out you can see errors such as "Failed to load group file" and "Could not find platform independent libraries". I have googled and googled with no references to this problem. It is making me think it has something to do with DSL compatibility even though the install from apt appears to go flawlessly.

The newer version of gcompris uses gtk2 so I would like to keep the older one for PI machines. I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks


Posted by mpie on Dec. 24 2004,07:54
apt is a damn fine tool but tends to install in /usr/ many programs that are multi part, install to /usr/local from what youve posted it sounds like gcompris cant find all the info it is looking for.......
apt will usually configure a working install bur not always a perfect one, especially as dsl is not pure debian, check out the config files for gcompris see if you can locate and correct the path to the correct files.
post what you find lets see what can be spotted , I'm sure many eyes are better than two!!!! lol
maybe all the files haven't even been installed there could be add on data missing   (just my two penneth worth)

Posted by clivesay on Jan. 03 2005,14:25
I wanted to close out this thread.

I created a .dsl of gcompris 1.2.1. It is the last version of gcompris before gtk2. I believe that it has been posted to the repository. All games I have tried have worked so far. The previous .dsl was 1.0.3.


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