ssh help

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: ssh help
started by: adssse

Posted by adssse on Mar. 10 2005,22:02
I am looking for some help on how to ssh into a server. I am asking because for school we do alot of work on the educational server and I have been using putty on my other machine as I am new to linux. Well in putty I can just click to select ssh instead of telnet or whatever and enter my username and password and away I go. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me how I could do this in dsl. I searched the other posts about ssh but was unable to find what I was looking for. Thanks in advance.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 10 2005,22:40
try opening a shell , and typing....

ssh -l username

( that's a lowercase L )

accept the new key..   yes

when prompted, enter password...



Posted by welshpjw on Mar. 10 2005,23:11
Assumption: the "a server" is a DSL CD/Frugal/HD-install boxen

Option #1
First, the server you are going to ssh into MUST be running sshd as as server... From DSL GUI click on the bottom left "Start" icon (It depends on how you installed) -> KNOPPIX -> Services -> Start SSH Server ... wait a little bit depedning on CPU of your box.
Second, use putty with ssh extention to go to the IP address of the DSL box with the password set for root

Option #2 (the fun one)
First, get into an xterm on the DSL box and type "x0rfbserver 2>/dev/null". Enter a password were propmted, hit <ENTER>
Second, download a good "vncviewer" like tightvnc ( and connect to the IP/hostname of the GUI running DSL box.
You get the full GUI of the DSL box in a bandwidth efficient way.

PS you can install the tightvnc server and then get to create additional "virtual" GUI's and even connect to them via your favorite Mozilla derived browser running JAVA ;)
PPS you can also tunnel your little ssh guts out and make your connection VERY secure and even do all of this over the Internet

Posted by adssse on Mar. 11 2005,02:23
ke4nt, thank you very much. I got it working now. I really appreciate all the help from everyone on this board. It can be daunting trying to learn new thinks, but this board makes it easier.
Posted by tawalker on April 08 2005,15:33
I use ssh a lot with my DSL pen drive system, and have public key ("passwordless") authentication set up with my home server.

Problem is, when I try and use 'ssh-add' to input the passphrase for my ssh key, I get "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent", even though ps shows ssh-agent is running. Any idea where I'm going wrong?

Many thanks,

Posted by tawalker on April 08 2005,15:39
Just answered my own question via Google - entering this at the terminal:
Code Sample
eval `ssh-agent`

seems to load up ssh-agent again, then I can run ssh-add and enter my passphrase.

It looks like
Code Sample
exec ssh-agent bash

might work too, but I haven't tried it yet.

Thanks anyway :)


Posted by Agus on Dec. 13 2005,21:50
I'm having problem that the ssh keep asking for password after I configured the authorized_keys2.

Does anyone ever tried using automatic ssh authentication with authorized_keys2 ?  I got it to work on Solaris and KNOPPIX 3.4, but not DSL, which keep asking for password

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