
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
started by: ChronoMS

Posted by ChronoMS on May 09 2005,01:42
OK coming from a Windows user. I dont know WTF on how linux works. I understand that there is things called kernels. Those are the core parts of the OS. Then you have distrobutions like Debian and Red Hat. Now I want to know how I can say take a tar.gz file of a .sh file and install it (or as they say make/build it). Is there a tutorial that would cover this in a easy like format?

I am highly proficient in computers in regards to hardware and I have done a lot of windows based troubleshooting and using it just in general.


Sry for coming off as an idiot but I see linux constantly talked about and it seems to be the way of the future computing.

Posted by Rapidweather on May 09 2005,02:41
I would hope that you are posting from your new copy of Damn Small Linux.
Since Firefox is built in, with an icon on the desktop, if you have broadband, (cable modem), then you are connected as DSL boots up to the desktop.
There is lots of information in the forums here, you might read some of the questions and replies that interest you, and see what is going on.
I have some getting started guides to my DSL and Knoppix remasters,
(changed or modified linux operating systems) that have specific information on how to do certain things in these LiveCD linux distributions. See the links in my signature for those.
As you can see from the forum posts, everyone has questions about almost all aspects of linux. A lot of the questions can easily be answered, some are not so easy to reply to. Most folks wait a day or two for some of the many experts here to get around to helping those wanting answers.  Sometimes your answer appears sooner than that. If there is any specific answer that needs clarification, please ask.
Welcome to Linux

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on May 09 2005,02:44
^_^ You have a lot to learn, my friend.

Start by reading the wikipedia entry for linux, maybe buy a good beginner book, and read lots of Documentation.

My personal favorite beginners book is The Linux Cookbook from Linux World Press (v2 if you can find it) for a couple of reasons. 1. It's a really informative book. 2. because it's really cheap compared to other comparable books. 3. It has the words "Don't Panic" printed in large, friendly letters on the cover (okay, not really)

You also might poke around on, especially the forums, for general Linux info and stuff.

You might also read the Wikipedia articles for kernel, make, makefile, and googling the terms that you don't understand.


Posted by skaos on May 09 2005,11:14
The Linux documentation project ( have some free guides and e-books. Maybe you could start with "Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide" (haven't actually read it it, so it may not be suitable).

And nothing beats hands-on experience. If possible, put together an old PC (the more RAM, the better), boot the DSL live CD and play around. When you have gained some experience, try a hard disk install.

Posted by clivesay on May 09 2005,13:33
I also have a copy of the Linux Cookbook. Lots of good little tidbits in there. My best learning was done by having DSL on a spare PC that I could just play and break things as much as I wanted. DSL is a great place to start with the learning process. You will also hear "google is your friend" very often in Linux forums. That's true. You can acually go to to do linux searches. I do this ALL the time. One thing to note is that many a search has brought up threads from this very forum.  :)

Good luck


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