Remastering using hda1-based loopfile and mkisofs

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Remastering using hda1-based loopfile and mkisofs
started by: Jason

Posted by Jason on May 14 2005,19:23
Yes, this thread is another remastering question.  I've really tried self-help methods trying to find something that works, maybe I'm missing something...

I started trying to remaster DSL using meo's posts in the < "big" DSL remastering thread >, using the most current instructions for the version of DSL I'm using (1.1).

Since I have only 128 MB RAM (OK, technically 112 MB since my onboard video steals some), 1 FAT32-formatted HD, no USB pendrives or DSL HD installs, I'm using a loopfile on my hda1, created using info in henk.1955's post < here >.

I'm able to copy over all the files, add the new files I want to the /mnt/test/source directory, and create the KNOPPIX file system file using mkisofs, except when I try to create the ISO file itself, mkisofs refuses, giving some sort of error each time:
Code Sample
root@ttyp0[dsl]# mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b mnt/test/newcd/boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c mnt/test/newcd/boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o mydsl /mnt/test
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory 'mnt/test/newcd/boot/isolinux'!
root@ttyp0[dsl]# mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b /mnt/test/newcd/boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c /mnt/test/newcd/boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o mydsl.iso /mnt/test
call to search_tree_file with an absolute path, stripping
initial path separator. Hope this was intended...
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory '/mnt/test/newcd/boot/isolinux'!

I've done some web and DSL forum searches for info on mkisofs, come up with info on the command < here > and < here >, the latter thanks to clivesay's post < here >, so I feel I now know a little about what I'm doing with all these command switches.  Also used "mkisofs -help" in bash to find out the version of mkisofs included in DSL is < this one >, unfortunatley the website seems to only have the source code.  I also discovered a few syntax errors with how I was trying to use mkisofs in < Can't remaster dsl 0.8.2 >, which the poster there used largely the same syntax I was using to create the ISO.

With this information, I tried again, twice, unfortunatley with similar results:
Code Sample
root@ttyp0[dsl]# mount /mnt/hda1/loopfile/disk.img /mnt/test -o loop
root@ttyp0[dsl]# mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o mnt/hda1/dsl.iso mnt/test/newcd
mkisofs: No such file or directory. Invalid node - mnt/test/newcd
root@ttyp0[dsl]# mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o mnt/hda1/dsl.iso /mnt/test/newcd
mkisofs: No such file or directory. Unable to open disc image file
I looked up the "unable to open disc image file" error on a web search, but didn't come up with anything of any help.

The really strange thing:  when I issued the mkisofs command to make an ISO that didn't work because the files were on my FAT32-formatted hda1, it created the ISO, no problem, however, as discussed in the loopfile creation thread above, its not going to boot.

In short:
Used search option on DSL forum to try to find answer: check
Used search option on DSL documentation to try to find answer: check
Used web search to try to find answer/more information: check

I really hope I've done enough on my part in research to *not* sound like another 'I use windows, please give me a personalized answer on a silver platter' user that only posts when they can't get something to work, and that I now know (thanks mostly to everyone who posts here) enough about what what I'm doing to understand the answer.  However, if I need to keep digging somewhere, please let me know.

Posted by Jason on May 14 2005,19:55
Oops, almost forgot a few important things:

Program I'm trying to add isn't available as a MyDSL extension.

Only boottime option I use when starting up DSL when I'm trying to remaster is "dsl vga=normal," to maximize the amount of RAM available for other things.

Also, since I do have a valid KNOPPIX file, is it possible to burn just that to a CD and use a bootdisk as a temporary workaround? This is a secondary question and if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong with mkisofs that'll make this question not as important.

Posted by Jason on May 15 2005,02:04
Well, everyone, it looks like, only after looking at the copy of the mkisofs command I posted here, I figured out my own problem... the last time I used the command, I left out the first forwardslash of the "-o" statement, that put the completed ISO on the main directory of my HD.

I redid it, it worked, and I am now posting this message using Mozilla 1.7.8, running off a DSL 1.1 CD-RW. :)

It's times like these I'm really glad forums exist, if nothing else than so we can look at our mistakes and go "duh, I shoulda checked my syntax!"

And, if I haven't said so already, thanks to everyone else here that contributes to the forum, espically those with info in the posts I referenced above.

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