monkey + php = no work

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: monkey + php = no work
started by: clacker

Posted by clacker on June 16 2005,01:08
I think there is a problem with the latest version of DSL (1.2.1) and the way it interacts with PHP and monkey.  I did the following from an unmodified liveCD:

chose system->daemons->monkey web server->monkey start from the menus
in dillo went to (worked)

chose system->daemons->monkey web server->monkey stop from the menus
in dillo went to (failed, as it should)

chose system->daemons->monkey web server->monkey start from the menus
in dillo went to (worked)

chose system->daemons->monkey web server->monkey stop from the menus
in dillo went to (failed, as it should)

loaded the php.tar.gz extension

chose system->daemons->monkey web server->monkey start from the menus
in dillo went to (failed) <<-- my problem

I checked with ps -ax and monkey was not running.  I tried the comand line:

sudo /opt/monkey/bin/banana start

but that also failed to load the monkey.

Why does monkey fail to start after loading the PHP extension?

Posted by roberts on June 16 2005,02:20
Looks to me like php.tar.gz needs to be repacked with the monkey.conf file edited.

For now simply edit /opt/monkey/conf/monkey.conf

Search for 0.8.2 and replace with 0.9.1 or better just remove the 0.8.2 thereby using the link monkey

Posted by clacker on June 16 2005,13:09
roberts, thanks.  I removed all of the -0.8.2 from my monkey.conf file and it helped.  Then I noticed two more things.  Once started with php, monkey again refuses to stop.  Without php installed it works fine.

My second problem was testing to see that php worked.   I made a file called test.php which contained the line:

<? phpinfo(); >

When I tried to view this file ( in Dillo), I got a parse error regarding the final > symbol.  Any ideas on that?

Thanks for all the fine work.

Posted by roberts on June 16 2005,13:35
<? phpinfo(); >

Should be <? phpinfo(); ?>   This works.

As far as stopping Monkey, again looks like 0.9.1 changed some things so back to edit /opt/monkey/conf/monkey.conf and edit the liine PidFile /tmp/ and change it to

PidFile /opt/monkey/logs/

Now Monkey will stop correctly.

These need to be updated in the php.tar.gz extension and don't have to change the base iso.

Posted by clacker on June 16 2005,19:23
thanks, doing all of those things (including using php correctly instead of the wrong way I was using it) worked.
Posted by ke4nt1 on June 18 2005,16:26
I have added another copy of php in the system section of the repository
called php-4-monkey-0.9.1.tar.gz .

It should include all of the changes noted in this thread..

I will eventually drop the older one , and rename to php.tar.gz.

Awaiting feedback..


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