Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DSL New GUI
started by: zeke7050

Posted by zeke7050 on July 27 2005,01:54

DSL linux has a windows manager of what, fluxbox? Is there a way that I can install a new gui such as KDE? Also can I install a new instant messanger such as GAIM?


Posted by SaidinUnleashed on July 27 2005,02:13

< Read the FAQ please. >


It's in the net section in mydsl.


Posted by zeke7050 on July 27 2005,02:20
So you don't know what KDE is? well then tell me this, when I install DSL am I able to download a different Windows Manager and then install it?
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on July 27 2005,02:33
Yes, I know what KDE is. I use it with ubuntu regularly.

We have several wms available in mydsl. IceWM, Evilwm, twm, and a few others.

Feel free to try them out.


Posted by zeke7050 on July 27 2005,02:40
Posted by mikshaw on July 27 2005,02:54
myDSL system:
< http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/talk/node/69 >
< http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....wto.pdf >

Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,04:13
Alright, after I installed DSL, MyDSL stopped working, so to goto method two of manual install, were do I locate Ice or ratpoison to download and install it manually?
Posted by mikshaw on July 28 2005,04:23
Go to the "mydsl" directory of just about any DSL mirror site.
Window managers and dockapps are in "wm_apps"

Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,04:46
Alright, I downloaded ICE and opened upEmelfm browsed to ICE's location and pressed the mydsl button, but i get a prompt that says must be logged in as user "dsl" so i log out and try to log in as user dsl and it won't start up x-windows but i'm logged in as dsl? any suggestions on how to fix this?
Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,14:25
Alright, this time I logged out and tried logging in as user DSL. But when I logged in I go this error message after x-windows failed to open:

/home/dsl/.xinitrc: Line 7:/opt/bin/icewm-session: no such file or directory

So I'm at a wall here on what to do. Any suggestions or solutions?


Posted by mikshaw on July 28 2005,14:42
If you were logged into X as root:
rule #1: If you are regularly logged in as root, stop and think about what you're doing.  Root has ultimate power...the power to give and to take away.  One misplaced character in a command can destroy your entire system and all your data files.  Also, the world is filled miscreants and villains who would take advantage of any opportunity to steal or destroy....running as root online gives them a much better opportunity to play at your expense.

Now to your question:
You'll need to give more information about your setup if you are going to continue asking step-by-step questions...it will take forever to set up your system if we're just guessing.
Were you running as another user other than dsl or root?  Does user dsl still have a home directory with config files intact? Did you try the 'startx' command as dsl? Are you running liveCD, frugal, harddrive install, other?  What have you done which might change default settings, such as adding more users, editing config files, entering boot options, or installing/removing software?  There are more things to consider, but basically it would be helpful to know if anything has changed from what a person would experience booting up from a liveCD.

Posted by mikshaw on July 28 2005,14:52
Apparently the myDSL installation began, but didn't finish...that seems like a bug to me.  In any case, edit /home/dsl/.xinitrc.
Change that icewm line to 'fluxbox' and try again.  That should at least get you back into X.

Since you are in console, and I'm guessing you have no knowledge of cli, this might help:
type "vi /home/dsl/.xinitrc"

move to the last line of the file (arrow keys), the one that says /opt/bin/icewm-session (that line looks wrong, by the way).
with the cursor over the first character of that line, type "c$" and then type "fluxbox".  Press Esc, and then type ":wq" to write and quit the file.
Then type in the command "startx"

Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,15:21
I understand the risks of running in root, but to tell you the truth, this laptop is so old and crappy I have very little concern about screwing it up, it doesn't hold significant information nor everwill beyond a Ealge Scout project write up which is backed up on three computers and has to personal information.

Second, I'm running DSL installed directly to my hard drive. I have only created one added user (Phil ). The only default setting that I have changed since I installed DSL is the theme, lol. I installed it last night so not much has been changed and nothing else has been added or installed. I will try the startx command I believe I might have tried it already but I will try.

Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,15:26
After I edit Line 7 how in the world do i get out of the edit, lol so i type c$ and changed what needed to be changed. Now to save and quite I type :wq but I don't know how to get out of the edit so I can do that!
Posted by mikshaw on July 28 2005,17:43
Read the directions a little more carefully :D
Press "Esc" to get out of insert (edit) mode.

If i knew anything about nano, I'd have suggested that instead of vi, but vim is the only console editor i know.

Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,17:55
I'm sry, lol, I'm trying to do this plus balance cleaning the house, mowing the lawn and getting my eagle project organized. But thanks for puttin up with me! I appreciate it!


Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,18:07
Ok, I completed the task and then rebooted my computer and tried to login as DSL and this time I got the same thing, X-windows failed to start and i got the same error message as last time but, icewm was changed to fluxbox.

/opt/bin/fluxbox file or directory does not exist.

Posted by mikshaw on July 28 2005,18:15
There should be no "/opt/bin/", ever.  This might be the whole problem.
I doubt that icewm is installed in /opt/bin...it should probably be /opt/icewm/bin/icewm-session

For fluxbox, that line needs only the word "fluxbox".  Nothing else.  No /opt/anything at the beginning unless you are using flux-dev, which I'm sure you're not.
with the cursor over the first character of that line, type "c$" and then type "fluxbox".

If you did this, you would have no "/opt/bin/"  "c$" in vim means "change everything from the cursor to the end of the line", so if you were at the beginning of line 7 and typed c$ vim would delete everything on that line and take you into insert mode.
An alternative would be to move the cursor anywhere on that line, type "dd" to delete the line, and then "i" or "o" to get into insert mode.  Usually "o" if you want to automatically create a new line.

Posted by zeke7050 on July 28 2005,18:32
okie, changed it, and can now login as DSL, but the only other thing i noticed, is when I logged in I have no Icons, so I right mouse click, desktop, algin icons, which usually brings em back and as soon as they appear they disapear, lol. any suggestions on that one?
Posted by mikshaw on July 28 2005,18:43
Probably a bad icon file in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop
I can't say for sure which one, or why it happened.  One way to check is to open an xterm and type "xtdesk".  This will attempt to load the icons and maybe give you an error message that'll give a clue what's wrong.

Posted by zeke7050 on July 29 2005,04:39
Ok, now that I have downloadded ICE and ymessanger and all that Jazz, how do I apply those new programs to my other accounts. so they work in user DSL's account but lets say I want user Zeke's account to also have them. How would I go about doing that?
Posted by mikshaw on July 29 2005,14:52
The programs should already be available to other users.  The only things missing would be menu entry, desktop icon, and maybe personal configuation, although that last one should in most cases either automatically be created when running the program or have default settings available to copy into $HOME.
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