Expanding /KNOPPIX?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Expanding /KNOPPIX?
started by: Dougcan

Posted by Dougcan on June 10 2005,09:33
HI, I looked at the remastering threads and learned quite a bit about making a custom ISO.  However I don’t want to “remaster” per sic.

DSL has just about everything I need, but I’ll like to do some special customization for my own personal use and what I want to do is simply expand the /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX.sh file so I can modify some of the script files and replace a couple image files. Then compress them back into a Knoppix.sh file for the ISO.

I looked everywhere, including using different search engines to find out how to do this and got nowhere.  So how do one expand the knoppix.sh files into the normal files for “adjustments”?

Much thanks.

P.S. if this has already been addressed, I may be too dense to see it, and offer my apologies in advance.

Posted by Guest on June 10 2005,14:28
The compressed image file KNOPPIX does not have a .sh behind it.

You can install DSL to your HD and do your modification there so that you do not have to remaster.

If you REALLY want to EDIT the contents of the file KNOPPIX and run from the CD, you have no choice but to remaster.  

If you do not need to run from the CD, you can follow the first few steps of that remaster procedure by meo up to the point where you create the KNOPPIX file with "mkisofs -R source | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX".  Then copy the folder KNOPPIX (containing the file KNOPPIX) onto the top directory of any hard disk partition you have (example, /dev/hda1).  Then when you boot from the DSL CD, use the boot option "fromhd=/dev/hda1".  This will make use of the KNOPPIX file on your hard drive instead of the one on the DSL CD (this procedure is also known as "poorman's install").

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