DLink DWL-G650+ 802.11g

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DLink DWL-G650+ 802.11g
started by: Opium

Posted by Opium on May 18 2005,18:43
Hi all!

I'm trying to get DLink DWL-G650+ (Revision B+) working under DSL using NDisWrapper. I'm running on EPIA MII 10000 and it is a problematic system.

To even get the kernel to assign a PCI memory block to the card I had to add "reserve=0xde004000,0x5000" to the Kernel boot parameters.

Now it seems to be recognized by NDisWrapper, and the 'link' light even turns on in the card and I can set the WEP and channel for the link. However I can't set the ESSID and I've tried every trick on the NDisWrapper WIKI.

I'm wondering if anyone had any luck?

I think that upgrading NDisWrapper to 1.1 would help but I can't seem to find where DSL's sources are (CVS? Snapshot?) so I can remaster it with the newer version.

Can I just install to hard disk, enable apt-get and upgrade the NDisWrapper package or is it one of the hardcoded packages?

Any clue/help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted by cbagger01 on May 18 2005,22:26
The DSL kernel sources are here:

< http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....rce.dsl >

You can also get them by clicking on the "System" button in the myDSL menu and choose kernelsource.dsl , although this is difficult if you cannot connect to the net while running DSL :)

Posted by Tim Shark on May 22 2005,18:19
After spending a whole week with DSL, learning Linux at the same time as trying to get my D-link dwl-g650+ (revision b)working in DSL - I am now literary pleased to report success!!

(Why I would spend a week of my life with this peace of hardware I don't know.)

This is what I did and do:)

First of all I googled night and day and found this page:
< http://www.linuxquestions.org/questio....tid=286 >

I followed alle the instructions right up to where it advises that if those of us with Knoppix or netcardconfig can omit the last three entries and use netcardconfig instead.

DO NOT DO THIS: Just follow the steps. the netcardconfig in dslpanel just f***s the whole thing up again.

This is the steps I do in the xterminal after booting up: (Is the same as on the link only with my own ip addresses...)

iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
iwconfig wlan0 key XXXXXXXX  // If you use security
iwconfig wlan0 essid XXXXXXX //
iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0  up  //my reserved ip
/sbin/route add default gw wlan0

I have saved this to a script wich I run with the exec command in xterminal after the system have booted up

I have to run it two times because the first time I run it the card isn't ready to receive commands.

It's running alright - but of course I need to make it run automatically on startup. I have tried to add those 6 lines to the /opt/bootlocal.sh script but the system locks up. What I need to do now is to to find a way to run it auto after X is up and running.

Hope I made myself understandable and that this will help...

Posted by Opium on May 31 2005,11:30

May I ask what board you are running DSL upon?


Posted by Tim Shark on June 09 2005,08:20
My machine is an old dell laptop - lattitude cpi (400mhz)

(Thats really all I know)

Tim Shark

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