
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: kwvdial-0.10.src.tar.gz
started by: DW49

Posted by DW49 on May 14 2005,17:40
Hello All,
I downloaded the file shown in the subject area of this post, to hopefully help me setup a dialup internet connection. My problem is...having just used windows, I really don't know what to do with this file in linux. Should I copy the file to a floppy disk, so I can use it within DSL ? Thanks for any suggestions.
David ???

Posted by Guest on May 15 2005,04:25
First question:  why do you have to use this file?  DSL has its own set of utilities to do dial-up internet connection.  Try the suggested steps that are listed on the "Getting Started" screen (which is the first window you see after booting-up DSL) ,and search through this forum for keyword "dial-up" for things that other people have encountered when doing this.  Then write your own problems here, complete with what things you did, so that we can help you.

Second question:  Do you really want to get that file?  Because if you do, I think it will not work.  You can compile source files using gcc1.dsl extension, but DSL does not have all the development libraries to compile this one.  You will need to add these to your DSL CD and I think this whole process is definitely beyond your capabilities right now, based on the question you asked on this thread.

Posted by DW49 on May 15 2005,14:56
Dear Guest,
First of all...thanks for the reply, I've tried to figure out how to setup my dialup connection when I use DSL. To me, it just seems more difficult than with some other distro's, such as puppy linux/linspire/knoppix . With's all pretty straightforward as far as setting up my connection. With DSL, there's not really much instruction as to how to perform that task. Just like how to move the cursor around to be able to select the correct item I need. Even my desktop screen isn't displayed properly, like it is with the other distro's. Thanks goodness I don't give up easily..I like challenges. have a GREAT day!  :)

Posted by mikshaw on May 15 2005,15:29
I agree with Mr. Guest....installing kwvdial from source will require a lot of work.  It's a KDE application, so you'll need KDE headers, and X headers, plus wvdial itself requires some additional stuff not included in DSL.  I'm not saying source installs are not a good idea...i do them myself in suse and slackware...but DSL isn't a development system, so you'll need to do a lot of preliminary installation before you can expect to compile anything more than the simplest of programs.

You might try apt-get install kwvdial to begin with...not sure how well that will work either.

Posted by DW49 on May 15 2005,15:45
To do what you mentioned in your last response..apts-get, don't I have to be online with dsl ? So far..I haven't been.
David :)

Posted by mikshaw on May 15 2005,15:52
I had a moment of stupidity there, sorry. was just a moment....really.

You might try the wvdial myDSL extension.  Download from here:
< >
Install with "mydsl-load /path/to/wvdial.dsl" (as user 'dsl', not root)

Posted by DW49 on May 15 2005,18:53
You had said " You might try the wvdial myDSL extension.  Download from here:
< >
Install with "mydsl-load /path/to/wvdial.dsl" (as user 'dsl', not root) " Should I copy the file to a floppy..and then try what you suggested ? Thanks SO much for your help.. :)

Posted by DW49 on May 15 2005,19:03
I've got the file you mentioned on a floppy now..and unless I hear from you differently..I'll try and use it when I start up dsl again.  :)

Posted by mikshaw on May 15 2005,20:14
Should work fine.

mount /dev/fd0 && mydsl-load /mnt/floppy/wvdial.dsl

Not positive that "/mnt/floppy" is the correct path, but i'm pretty sure.

Posted by ryptyde on May 15 2005,22:13
It sounds to me that you have used your modem with other Linux distros-puppy,linspire and knoppix? So one may think that it would be feasible to connect with DSL which could be possible depending on the type of modem you have.

Win-modems seem to be the most troublesome for Linux and using a "live-distro" presents another problem-editing and saving files.

I have used the dial-up config that comes with DSL and it is just a matter of using the "tab,space,up & down arrows and enter" keys to get where you need to go. Give it a go and if you have a good modem you'll be connected in no time.

Posted by DW49 on May 15 2005,22:56
You are correct about what you said about connecting with other distro's, to me it simple to setup a internet connection with them. Compared to dsl..and you touched on what I seem to be having a problem with, that it figuring out how to move the cursor where it needs to be. I guess I just need to be more patient. Thanks for all of the help.. :)

Posted by ryptyde on May 16 2005,00:39
Hey DW49 glad to offer a suggestion to get you up and running,hope to hear of your success.Another thing is that I manually choose my modem location as "ttyS4".
Posted by DW49 on May 16 2005,02:21
As my serial modem is connected to the COM1 port, I don't think your setting would work for me. Who knows..maybe tomorrow, I'll be typing in this forum using DSL.  :;):

Posted by ryptyde on May 16 2005,16:51
I also have a Best Data serial modem model 56sx-92 that I also use and it is set to "ttyS0".
Posted by DW49 on May 16 2005,17:12
That's pretty least bestdata sold more than one of them.. :D  When I use one of the different distro's that I mentioned earlier, that what setting I use too. That ='s COM1 port where my modem is connected. In a little while..I'll hopefully try once again to get online with dsl. :O

Posted by DW49 on May 17 2005,11:46
Just to let you know...I think that either my copy of dsl might be corrupted, or I just plain can't figure it out. I'm typing this message using the knoppix cd. With this distro., it's SO easy to set up a internet connection. One might think that with dsl being so small in size that it would be a LOT easier to work with. Have a GREAT day !
David  :)

Posted by mikshaw on May 17 2005,14:25
Being much smaller often means that there are things removed, such as certain modules.  What this means is that configuration of some uncommon things may take a bit more work.  It's my opinion that making DSL as easy to configure as KNOPPIX on as many different machines would require that DSL be much larger.
Posted by DW49 on May 17 2005,20:27
I think for the time being anyway...I'm just going to stick with a different distro., besides..I'm still learning about linux, and maybe right now isn't the right time to try and learn dsl also. Thanks for your help, I guess I thought it was just easier than it is.
David :)

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