There are dirvers for my modem

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: There are dirvers for my modem
started by: jerome2

Posted by jerome2 on Aug. 28 2004,01:39
< DELL REDHAT BCM42XX Modem Drivers >

My modem is a BCM4212 and it seems that they are drivers for it.

But I downloaded the source package and its for Red Hat (rpm) not Debian (deb).

I spent some time trying to download all the Debian packages that I would need to get the kernel source to compile that I downloaded from here < >
< Kernel Source (Kopi?) 2.4.22-xfs .deb >

And I tried to install binutils previously trying to get my Video Card Drivers (NVIDIA) installed but then I get an error saying that the binutils package has not been configured.

Any Idea what this might mean?

Also its extremely cumbersome trying to type
dpkg -I some.2.1.1-4.extremly_long_name.deb
for each package.

And even if I get make and all the utilities compiled (which wont happen without some help from you guys :) ) the package is still for Red Hat.

I tried Alien(, but it wont extract the .deb because of more dependency errors.

So is there a way I can get the packages I need in windows "auto-magically" (think apt-get for windows), without downloading them manually?

Also what will I need to do to get the rpm installed on DSL?
< a program that converts between the rpm, dpkg, stampede slp and slackware tgz >

What would be nice is a gcc.dsl

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 28 2004,04:12
I'll give this one a try, jerome2,
Not too promising, but let me share what I know..
Others can follow-up and build from my post.

Those modem drivers are for RH 7.2 / 7.3 ..
I don't know if they will work with the 2.4.26 kernel,
They were certainly built using the gcc2.95 or earlier, not gcc 3.3
I'm thinking this could be a frustrating maneuver...
( Perhaps there are some more recent drivers available elsewhere? )
( Does it work in knoppix ? )
Many folks use the knoppix CD environment to build drivers, etc..
Then copy them to their DSL build..

Getting gcc g++ and make is well documented in the forums.
Search for gcc, g++, and make...

The sources for DSL 0.7.3 can be found in the 9/2003 Knoppix 3.3 CD
The sources for DSL 0.8 come from the 5/2004 Knoppix 5/2004 CD
Any generic sources for these kernels may not be patched
or built with the same tools/compilers

The NVidia driver running on DSL is probably moot.
If you do get the kernel sources, and binutils, and try to let the
NVidia *.sh file compile a driver for you, you don't have the necessary
XFree86 video subsystem the driver needs to run in..
DSL uses the Xvesa/Kdrive servers , not XFree86 or

By the time you do all of this effort, it would be easier to pull out
KDE and GNOME from a knoppix CD, and run fluxbox...

There are some utilities out there for converting rpm to deb
I have not used them or seen them here..

Keep in mind, this distro is designed to be a LiveCD desktop.
It's not a development environment, or a 3D game box.
There are many other choices for linux distros out there that serve these needs..
DSL development time/effort focuses on building the best 50 MB liveCD...

These answers are probably NOT what you wanted to hear..
But I do not want you to be frustrated by a lack of response to your questions.


Posted by wizard on Aug. 30 2004,16:20
Glad to read that the 'source' of DSL 0.8 was KNX 3.4.

I have been wanting to help with drivers for DSL. I am writing this under Knoppix 3.4. I have compiled the hostap driver under 3.4.

Now I just need a good kernel/driver debugger.

It sounds like I can work under 3.4 and then perhaps just move the drivers to DSL?

I have several partitions on this hard drive.
  Knoppix (various flavors)
  work directory - wireless drivers, etc. I am working on.

In that way I can switch to whichever OS I want to compile under and then access what I have worked on in another OS version.

Posted by jerome5 on Aug. 31 2004,04:09
wizard: does this mean that I can get you to help me compile thid driver? :)
Posted by gent00_0wnz on April 26 2005,10:07
if anyone has the rpm of this modem driver still hangin around somewhere I'd greatly appreciate it if you could get them to me, dell doesn't seem to have the drivers on their website anymore, all links to the dell site with thiese driver gives a 404 from dell, please please help a poor girl out, my email is
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