Installing & using TrueType & Type 1

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Installing & using TrueType & Type 1
started by: AJones

Posted by AJones on Mar. 03 2005,19:54
Hi :

I installed TTFs and Type 1 fonts to /usr/share/fonts directory. But I am unable to use them as they dont appear in any app. Also linked them to /usr/X11/lib/Fonts directory. All the fonts I find here are of the form *.pcf.gz. What is this? How can I change the fonts on all Menus, and FluxBox etc.

Thanks DSL is a great find, Boots Fast, and quite convienent.


Posted by AJones on Mar. 03 2005,22:46

I did what was said in teh How to install fonts thread in this How-To section, I added TTFs. Type1 fonts to /usr/X11 R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory. Then did update-fonts-dir misc. and added the line /usr/X11 R^/lib/X11/fonts/misc to filetools.lst, but I dont see any of my fonts anywhere.

Also, the Windows I cannot resize them, I can only bring them forward, shade etc, Is there a resize function to resize all Windows, all of them open up maximized.


Posted by AJones on Mar. 04 2005,01:19
Has anyone installed and used TrueType & Type 1 fonts other than one provided with DSL? this update-fonts-dir, update-fonts-* has not worked for me what so ever?
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Mar. 04 2005,04:09
Patience, I've found that most of the "knowledgeable ones" aren't around untill say another 12hrs or so.
No, I haven't done it, but I too would like to know in simple steps how to get other (namely TTF) fonts installed.  Not that I've really tried experimenting...

Posted by AJones on Mar. 04 2005,19:13

I had copied root RW access fonts to misc, I later chaned permissions on a TTFs and then did update-fonts-dir misc, Before this I had this message as DSL boots stating cannot load group. Will report back if this time it has worked or not. Or will it only load X fonts *.pcf.gz, is there a utility that converts ttfs/pfbs to Xfonts?

Thanks busy people.


Posted by clivesay on Mar. 04 2005,20:01
AJones -

Just want you to know that you are not being ignored. Fonts haven't been a hot topic here so you are kinda on a new topic though I am sure that many people are curious. Fonts are something that I am very interested in but just haven't had the time to explore.

Good Luck


Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 04 2005,22:17
To make the newer fonts work..
I had to use and install the gtk2.dsl , which has the
newer font management packages in it, ( pango/defoma )

The artwiz fonts, on the other hand, work nicely using the
methods you referred to in your earlier posts..


Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 04 2005,23:43
I always assumed that freetype fonts required libfreetype, xft, etc., which are not part of DSL.
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Mar. 05 2005,00:10
Quote (AJones @ Mar. 03 2005,17:46)
Also, the Windows I cannot resize them, I can only bring them forward, shade etc, Is there a resize function to resize all Windows, all of them open up maximized.

Forgot to reply to that bit.
Not sure exactly what you mean, but some things to try are Alt+RightClick, which allows you to resize a window from anywhere within the window, just hold down and drag to resize.
I think Alt+LeftClick allows you to drag a window around to reposition it, again without needing to grab the title bar.
Handy when things maximise too big for your screen.

You could also use fluxter (the little "window" boxes which give an indication of your open apps in the multiple desktops), you can actually drag the mini-apps around in this, so you can drag them up far enough to reach the resizing handle in the bottom right (and left?) corner of the app, then drag it to the required position again in fluxter.

Not very coherent, only just had my morning coffee :D

Posted by AJones on Mar. 05 2005,04:08
These functions are cool, I will try getting gtk2.dsl, I  want to use my fonts. I get this message at startup.
Could not Load Group.
BScreen :: 0 Could not load BScreen::0
Cold not load Font :: Clean *-------75dpi--------***
something of that sort.

Thanks BTW for your answer. As of NOW DSL fits my immediate needs on this computer, I can connect to the internet & also Like the expandable feature. I tried TEST your Firewall on the web, although I still dont have a Firewall, except for port 3248 all were closed (but not secure). In anycase I will load a Firewall like GuardDog.

Posted by vert on Mar. 12 2005,04:44
i installed gtk2.dsl then
apt-get xfstt
and downloaded the GTKFirefox

on the GTKFirefox i now have ttf but how can i have them on X complete ?

Im a little frustrated now, nothin i tried really works :(

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