howto: save installed packages on USB

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: howto: save installed packages on USB
started by: thejackal

Posted by thejackal on Feb. 09 2005,12:06
I have some questions about the backing up the configuration. I boot from Cd-R and save my settings on USB.

- When I install new packages through myDSL like Samba where you get the LinNeighborhood, how can I get it to be there again when I rebooted. Now I have to reinstall each time I have rebooted my system.

- How do I save my background wallpaper, I have been told there would be a dir named "background" in /.fluxbox but not with me. I can save my desktop style and all.

- How can I get it to remember my mount points, I have edited the /etc/fstab as it should be and added /etc/fstab to the filetool.lst but it does not remember when I have rebooted.

thx in advance

Posted by henk.1955 on Feb. 09 2005,12:23
if your USB-stick is at /mnt/sda1 then, at the bootprompt type
dsl restore=sda1 mydsl=sda1
restore= will make dsl look for the backup.tar.gz file in /mnt/sda1 to restore the settings (all files and dirs from
mydsl= will make dsl look for the extentions in /mnt/sda1 and load the automaticly at bootup

i dont see a ./fluxbox/background either. but you can allways make one and put your bg image in here.
if you look in /opt, you see a file. you can put commands in there, they will run at bootup.

None of this is a secret. you can find this info if you read the getting_started.html that pops up the moment you start dsl.

Posted by thejackal on Feb. 09 2005,16:02
Okay I figured out some stuff today but some things I cannot come up with.
My network settings are not saved when I reboot, this is my

Code Sample

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
echo "bound IP okay"
route add default gw
echo "default route okay"

echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

Offcourse this file is in my filetool.lst

Posted by henk.1955 on Feb. 09 2005,16:13
by default dsl runs dhcp at startup.
so if you do net workconfig in the dhcp client is still busy tring to get its setting. after is fails or does get the ip adress from the dhcp server your setting are overwriten.
to stop dsl from trying to get dhcp, add
to the boot parameters

Posted by thejackal on Feb. 09 2005,16:23
When I type "nodhcp" during boot it says that it has no kernel package or something like that.
Did you meant I have to add a boot parameter to ??

Also I have a line in filetool.lst that says, home/dsl/.fluxbox/backgrounds

In that dir I have a file named mario.jpg which is my wallpaper but this is also not saved.

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 10 2005,03:56
He means, type this in at the initial boot prompt:

dsl nodhcp

Posted by thejackal on Feb. 10 2005,12:06
Okay that is working. Thx

One thing though, etc/resolv.conf still puts the address in every reboot, why is that ???

Posted by henk.1955 on Feb. 10 2005,13:01
One thing though, etc/resolv.conf still puts the address in every reboot, why is that
that is the default. burned into to cd-image.
change your code to:
Code Sample
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
Note that the first line has 1 > all others have 2 >
1 > means start in a new file
2 > means append to a file

ps. did you change the last post?

Posted by thejackal on Feb. 10 2005,16:00
Ah thx man.

Yes I changed the last post, I tried a couple of times entering dsl nodhcp but I didn't work. Suddenly it does. Maybe I was doing something wrong over and over again. How can you keep strubbling with something that easy, sjees

Well, it works now. :)

Posted by uzi on Feb. 24 2005,01:30
sorry, but i'm a noobie here and kinda having some trouble understanding. so just to summarize all this (and PLS correct me if i'm wrong):
- to save settings we need to save the location of the files (that were modifed i assume) in the filetool.lst file and save that on the medium that we would like to read it from (in my case: my hdd)

- then every time u boot, u just type
Code Sample
dsl restore=hda1 mydsl=hda1
when ur booting

but as far as the internet, i have no idea where u guys are putting in all those cmds and what they are for.

for mines i was told to save a bunch of files within /usr/local/bin (obviously, i can't do that cuz it's running off the cd and is read-only) and just put in our username and id in it

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