
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: F-prot
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 22 2004,09:10
I download f-prot (tar.gz) and unpacked it in /usr/local/f-prot (all according to the manual). Now i should be able to run f-prot (f-prot.sh) but it won't work. There's NO antivirus.DSL in MYDSL or in the Repository) Can anyone help? (not that i am ill but i need to have a virus-checker online, safety first you know)
Posted by ypx on Sep. 22 2004,09:53
I know that puppy linux has got an external < Fprot package >
but as i don't know if it's a fork of DSL, i can't be sure that it will work

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 22 2004,10:01
Unfortuneatly this package is ment for puppy-linux (it lacks the install-file for one thing)
Posted by Grim on Sep. 22 2004,12:30
Why do you need anti-virus software for linux?
Posted by Patrick on Sep. 22 2004,12:38
First of all, linux isn't virus-proof! Secondly: I ultimately want to replace my windows xp (and ALL the applications that run in it) with linux, so i have to replace my Mcafee with something similar.) Third: Even if there are NO/hardly any virusses in Linux. Ultimately Linux will become so popular that the creeps who live in the basements of their parents homes will be interessted enough to write more virusses/shit 4 Linux OS.
Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,07:46
have you got f-prot yet?

this is what i have done.

knoppix is the father/mother of dsl. knoppix has more children, one of them is kanotix bughunter.
now on the kanotix page < Kano's Scriptpage > there are some scripts to extent knoppix.
i have downloaded install-f-prot-local.sh. then opened a root xtrem and ran the script. it seems to work.

just for the fun i tried install-tuxpuck-local.sh and it works to.

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,08:19

I don't have the neccecary diskspace left (it seems? I just got 11 Mb left on my usb-stick)

But the script seems to work..

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,09:10
the kano scripts do not install to the usb-stick.
they install in the ramdrive.
so i think you dont have enough memory or you have already a lot of extention running.

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,10:10
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 2971      2971         0 100% /
/dev/sda1               125146    114802     10344  92% /cdrom
/dev/cloop              118720    118720         0 100% /KNOPPIX
/ramdisk                499812    157948    341864  32% /ramdisk

Is 341864 not enough for f-prot?

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,10:40
i have even less and it works
Code Sample
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 2971       871      2100  30% /
/dev/hda7               4814936   2859120   1711228  63% /cdrom
/dev/cloop               118720    118720         0 100% /KNOPPIX
/ramdisk                 199632    144096     55536  73% /ramdisk
/cdrom/ext/henk/j2re1.4.2_05.uci 60598     60598         0 100% /opt/j2re1.4.2_05
/dev/hda2               4814968   2413880   2156500  53% /mnt/hda2
/mnt/hda2/knoppix.img 297485    230912     66573  78% /home/knoppix
/dev/hda1               986020    637052    348968  65% /mnt/hda1

i forgot to mention: your system must be madewriteable, you must at least have 1 *.dsl loaded before you run the script
if its not the script will try to push all of it in / (minirt24.gz) which is small. the first *.dsl copies part fo the system to /ramdisk (much bigger) and create symlinks, now the script puts most of it in ramdisk

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,11:03
I managed to install it, but how do i run it?? (i just found that out, sorry forget this message)

THNX Henk!

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,11:22
i only keep the script.
so every time i run it i will have the most recent virus-scanner download.
if you want to keep f-prot, so you can run it withough internet connection. i tink you should add /home/dsl/dist and /home/dsl/.bashrc to filetool.lst

have you tried tuxpuck yet?

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,11:28
Well... I couldn't reboot/shutdown any more (with the fluxbox-menu options that is...) and my backup via DSL control panel didn't work either so i have no backup of the new installed f-prot in my /home/dsl..

I wonder what went wrong (f-prot worked just fine though)

Something else:

I have a couple of dsl-files in my /cdrom (firefox/fluxbox/gnu-util/mplayer/xine) when i end X (reboot/shutdown) my filetool.lst backup's:


Do i still need to keep these dsl-files in /cdrom ? ( i need to create more space in /cdrom)

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,11:40
1. i have no knowlege of fluxbox

2. how big is your backup.tar.gz file?
all the files you mention in /home/dsl a the files that keep the settings of your programs.

i have a list thats even longer. my backup.tar.gz file is "only" 17.88Mb

i see ( /home/dsl/.mozilla) you use firefox-0.9.3x, me to.
i have turned the privacy-cache size down to 1k ( 1024byte) the default is 50Mb, the cache is saved to backup.tar.gz to.

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,11:47
My backup.tar.gz = about 10 Mb (right now, i am still experimenting a lot with different browsers/applications)

Thanks for the tip! (cache) I just installed the latest firefox (0.9.3) from the depository (i don't see much differences with the older 0.9.3-one) Java still doesn't work (yahoo games)

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 28 2004,11:54
Did you also install the new java? ( j2re1.4.2_05.uci )
It should work with firefox- ...
I symlinked the 2 together - that's the only difference between 0.9.3 and
They are both in the testing area... remember to have gnu-utils.dsl installed ..

Let me know..


Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,12:07
we are getting offtopic.
at this very moment i run the "old" firefox-0.9.3, and the "new" java, flashplugin and mplayerplugin. so far i have not found any problems.
the "trick" to get the new jave to work with the old firefox-0.9.3 is to make a symlink from /opt/j2re1.4.2_05/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so to /opt/firefox/plugins
this is my /opt/firefox/plugins
Code Sample
lrwxrwxrwx    1 dsl      staff          45 Sep 28 13:24 flashplayer.xpt -> /ramdisk/opt/.firefox_plugins/flashplayer.xpt
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           47 Sep 28 13:24 libflashplayer.so -> /ramdisk/opt/.firefox_plugins/libflashplayer.so
lrwxrwxrwx    1 dsl      staff          62 Sep 28 13:24 libjavaplugin_oji.so -> /opt/j2re1.4.2_05/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so
-rwxrwxrwx    1 dsl      staff       18840 Aug  3 17:14 libnullplugin.so
lrwxrwxrwx    1 dsl      staff          47 Sep 28 13:24 mplayerplug-in.so -> /ramdisk/opt/.firefox_plugins/mplayerplug-in.so
lrwxrwxrwx    1 dsl      staff          48 Sep 28 13:24 mplayerplug-in.xpt -> /ramdisk/opt/.firefox_plugins/mplayerplug-in.xpt

we have to start a new topic or find a better recent one to continue this.

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,13:07
Tuxpuck is funny.. (nicely done)
Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,13:20

I hope you explain some of that symlink/plugin-stuff you mentioned (i started a new topic on that)

Posted by Grim on Oct. 13 2004,11:33
Quote (Patrick @ Sep. 22 2004,06:38)
First of all, linux isn't virus-proof!

I never said it was.

Quote (Patrick @ Sep. 22 2004,06:38)
Secondly: I ultimately want to replace my windows xp (and ALL the applications that run in it) with linux, so i have to replace my Mcafee with something similar.)
It's good that you mention Windows because f-prot is a virus scanner for mail servers that serve email to Windows users.  It will help you keep you computer free of viruses that infect Windows machines which won't harm your linux boxen anyway.

Quote (Patrick @ Sep. 22 2004,06:38)
Third: Even if there are NO/hardly any virusses in Linux. Ultimately Linux will become so popular that the creeps who live in the basements of their parents homes will be interessted enough to write more virusses/shit 4 Linux OS.
I agree, and when that day comes someone will write anti-virus that checks for LINUX VIRII not Windows VIRII

Running anti-virus software to check for Windows virii on a Linux box is almost like tits on a boar hog.

Posted by Pfpearson on Feb. 22 2005,18:49
I found this thread looking for a Linux tool to disinfect friends' computers.  I "toyed" with DSL a while back, but don't use it on a regular basis.  Is it feasible to burn a DSL CD with f-prot and/or macafee or some other anti-virus tool (one does more than merely detect the virii)?  If RTFM is the answer, that's Okay - I just don't know where the right place is to read.
Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 22 2005,19:38
I can't say i completely agree with your reasons (popularity != vulnerability), but i do think antivirus is useful in Linux....particularly if you are on a network with Windows machines, or share files with Windows users.  Even though Windows virii don't affect Linux computers, the infected files can still be passed on.

EDIT:  holy crap....i didn't notice this was a very old thread.... I just replied to a post from months ago  :p

Is it feasible to burn a DSL CD with f-prot and/or macafee or some other anti-virus tool

Sure.  Probably the simplest way would be to create an extension and add it to the root of your CD.  You could also remaster the system if you're up to it, and recreate the ISO (search these forums for various threads on the subject)

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