Put Fluxter in the slit!

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Put Fluxter in the slit!
started by: SaidinUnleashed

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Jan. 23 2005,07:55

That "little annoying thing" that people always come begging me to make go away.

Has finally found a spot to be useful.

In the slit.

You can see what I'm talking about < here >.

It's right next to the sound control ap, Wmix.

Doesn't it look cool?

And it doesn't pop up on top of everything.

Want to make your's look like mine?

Here's how.

Open up /home/dsl/.fluxbox/fluxter.bb with an editor. (I use Scite, you can use whatever)

Change the lines in your config to correspond with these.
Code Sample
fluxter.desktop.width:          30
fluxter.desktop.height:         30

fluxter.columns:               2

fluxter.rows:                  2

Save it and exit your editor.

Next, head over to /usr/bin/ and use sudo to open "enhance" in an editor.

The 3rd or 4th line should be the one for fluxter. Make it look like this.
Code Sample
system("fluxter -w &");

Not the "killall" line. Don't touch that. Bad things will happen.

Now, left click on the "workspace 1" (or 2 or 3) in the slit and create a new workspace. (workspace 4).

Exit and restart X, and you should have Fluxter, the "Little Annoying Thing", sitting pretty in the slit.

You can still move windows around with it, and switch between desktops with a center click.

The damn thing does have a use!

Wouldn't it be nice if it wan in the slit by default?


Posted by asz on Jan. 23 2005,23:00
Thanks for the tip. I really like  tidy desks. I definitly think you are right, it should be there by default.

Posted by libretto on Jan. 24 2005,20:36
Thanks Saidin, makes the desktop that little bit neater. Now just need to put eveything in wmdrawer and itll be a clear desktop (will look nice with changing backgrounds). :cool:
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Jan. 24 2005,23:31
Just as an aside, one of the main uses I find for fluxter is dragging oversized windows around so you can reach a resize handle.
ie., say you boot to 800x600, open up an app, and it pops up sized 1024x768.  What to do?  Simple, drag it up and to the left with fluxter untill the bottom right corner is in view, and you now have the ability to grab something to resize.  Resize it, then drag it back in fluxter so it fits nicely on your desktop!
So fluxter does have at least one handy use...

Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 25 2005,01:48
What to do?  Press Mod1 (Alt) and drag the window in question...left mouse moves, right mouse resizes.

I still haven't figured out any real use for a desktop pager =o)

Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 25 2005,06:14
If I have any desktop space free,
my scroll wheel on my mouse changes desktops.

And, like mikshaw,
the alt-left-mouse / alt-right-mouse works
for moving and resizing my tasks..


Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Jan. 25 2005,10:39
Quote (mikshaw @ Jan. 24 2005,20:48)
(Alt) ...left mouse moves, right mouse resizes.

Hm, OK, didn't know those two, now that I know, I guess I can't think of any reason to have the pager :O
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 25 2005,13:25
It's a funny thing about these programs.  It seems they are very popular....those who use them find them invaluable, and those who don't use them don't see what the point is.
It makes me wonder what use John has for it....I assume that if it is enabled in DSL then he must believe it's important?

It could be similar to the console/gui editor preference, though.  A lot of people find gui to be an unnecessary annoyance in a text editor, while others feel a gui is essential.

I guess it comes down to what you like.  Personally I prefer using hotkeys to navigate through applications and workspaces (mousewheel is handy, but mine has been worn out for a year or more...stupid mousewheel weapon-switching :D).

Posted by BillH on Jan. 29 2005,16:09
If we must have the pager, the slit is a good place.

I set the height in fluxter.bb to 45 and then use

fluxter -w&

to send it into the slit. Sure the little "desktops" are too skinny, but it is fine by me. The slit is set for "always on top" and "autohide" and I position it at top center. Since desktop 1 usually has Firefox full screen so I can't mousewheel on the desktop, I can just use fluxter and a middle mouse button click to jump to another desktop. The slit is top center because most other things that I click are up in that area too.

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