damnsmall bootsup but i cannot do anything with it

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: damnsmall bootsup but i cannot do anything with it
started by: ramaswamyps

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 12 2005,09:09
i downloaded dsl0-9-1 and burnt a rw cd and it is booting up alright.
when it say boot:
i dont know what to command .anyhting i type like dos it says not found
then after a while it boots up default values.
i cannot read anything on the screen.the resolution is something like highest setting.very small fine prints.
it says my net work is configured but i cannot connect to net.
i am able to invoke firefox but it says connection refused.

HELP me some one.....
i have 40 gb hard disk which i am not able to access in this cd booting
i have a log in screen to my net connection LAN.
how can i access the ethernet card configuration?

am i supposed to have some thing else also installed in my machine?
i have intel p3 870mhz 256mb ram floppy cd rw 40gb hard disk

how can i access the internet with linux boot with this cd .thats what i am going to do anyway.
give me some idea how to make the monitor visible with 400x600 or 600x800 resolution?
thanks ramaswamy

Posted by Patrick on Jan. 12 2005,14:25
Try this:

right click anywhere on the screen (a menu should open)
Go to: SYSTEM and then to CONTROL PANEL
click on XVESA and choose a resolution of your liking...
click on OK

done... (now you shoudl be able to view DSL better)

Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 12 2005,15:34
when it say boot:
i dont know what to command .anyhting i type like dos it says not found

You don't need to type anything unless the default settings don't work for you.  This is just a place to enter boot options (press F2 at this point to get a list).  If you press Enter or just wait a few seconds the boot will continue.

i have a log in screen to my net connection LAN.

I'm not sure what you mean, but it sounds like maybe you need to configure pppoe (System > Control Panel)

Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 12 2005,17:56
And if you want to boot up with a lower resolution screen, you can either boot with this command:

dsl xsetup

and choose Xvesa and then pick your resolution.

or this command:


and you will be booted into an 800x600 framebuffer graphics mode.

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 12 2005,18:24
thanks friends for above tips
still i am not able to connect to internet.
i am able to get 800x600 res and all r visible nice
i use realtek LAN card for my connection
i have ip
def gateway
alt dns

i have to connect to to get login screen then only i can reach net

how can i configure above informations
is there driver for realtek card in dsl091

kindly advice

Posted by green on Jan. 13 2005,01:18
Type this:

ifconfig --help

and you will get the following output.
Use the output to determine how you need to enter your IP parameters.

 ifconfig [-a] [-v] [-s] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]
 [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]
 [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]
 [[-]broadcast [<address>]]  [[-]pointopoint [<address>]]
 [netmask <address>]  [dstaddr <address>]  [tunnel <address>]
 [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]
 [hw <HW> <address>]  [metric <NN>]  [mtu <NN>]
 [[-]trailers]  [[-]arp]  [[-]allmulti]
 [multicast]  [[-]promisc]
 [mem_start <NN>]  [io_addr <NN>]  [irq <NN>]  [media <type>]
 [txqueuelen <NN>]
 [up|down] ...

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 13 2005,04:12
ifconfig -help
says no such command
gives the parameters correctly also says incoming out going packets
but i am not able to connect to to get login screen
firefox says connection refused.
whats brodcasting of ip
i dont see any such thing in tcp/ip properties in windows
direct me whrere  i can read abt these relevant to dsl
also i cannot access my hard drives from dsl
ramaswamy    thanks for help friend

Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 13 2005,04:40
Most realtek cards work great in Linux.

You forgot one dash "-" symbol for your help.

The command is:

ifconfig --help

and NOT

ifconfig -help

Also, if you want to use a static IP address, you can boot with:

dsl xsetup nodhcp

and then run the netcardconfig script and manually enter your network TCP/IP settings.

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 13 2005,10:05
that worked
dhcp stoping broadcasting worked

now i am online with dsl
help me with how i can install yahoo messenger
how can i store the set up
everytime i boot i have to configure netcard
how to access hdd1 and hdd2
thanks verymuch for all the help i got from  dsl forum

Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 13 2005,17:51
1. Get Yahoo messenger from the myDSL repository and install it.
2. Read the documentation on the backup/restore process and/or search the forums for keyword filetool.lst and search ALL FORUMS and FROM THE BEGINNING and OR NEWER.
4. Search the forums for static AND IP AND bootlocal.sh
5. Search the forums for Mount.app
6. You're welcome

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 14 2005,02:48
excuse my ignorance of the OS.
i see command prompt 2 3 places.
where am i to command like ls cfdsk and all
whats the balck box at lefthand bottom corner doing nothing happens if i click there
tty i remember to have seen in unix system.
give me a little more push i think i can try and keep the momentum and start own my own
:) :(

Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 14 2005,06:48
Command prompt:

You can either boot into text mode with "dsl 2" boot command
or you can exit the windowmanager while in xwindows.
Or you can choose Xshells -> Rxvt dark   from the fluxbox menu (Right click menu).

The black box is called a Pager.

To understand how a pager works, you need to understand the concept of a "workspace".

In MS Windows, your entire workspace is displayed on your computer screen. It is your desktop.

In many Linux Window managers, like the Fluxbox one that comes with DSL, you are defaulted to 3 (or sometimes even more than 3) workspaces.

This means that you can have 3 screenfuls of "stuff" that is displayed on your computer screen.  So, for example, you can load up a web browser on one workspace and have the window fill up the entire screen.  You can then move over to workspace #2 and load up an e-mail program and have it take over the entire screen.  And you can load up a game on workspace #3.

The little arrows on the left side of your bottom taskbar allow you to toggle back and forth between workspace #1, #2, and #3.

Now how does this relate to the black pager window in the lower left corner?

The pager window lets you see a tiny screencapture of each workspace.  This is why it appears like it is divided into thirds.

So in my example above, a tiny picture of your web browser would appear in the lefthand pager window, a tiny picture of your email program would appear inside the middle pager window and a tiny picture of your game would appear inside the righ hand window.

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 15 2005,09:05
thats a very presice explanation.thanks.
i also found sites expalining linux commands and what they do
still i dont get an idea how to prepare a partition for installing dsl on my hdd partition which is already there formatted with win98 on the other partition
how dsl detects hdd and how they r addressed to mount?
i am sorry i have to have to come back here for aome more helps
ramaswamy :p

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 16 2005,05:27
i have made some more progress
i can now cfdisk hda
i have 2 hdd inmy comp
cfdisk  doesnot show my secondary master hdd1
how can i access that drive 8gb size
win98se is on that drive i want to install dsl there in a partition
i want avoid switching connectors inside comp at this time
is there a way to access it
like fdisk cfdisk does not have change drive option

Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 16 2005,06:34
Your secondary master should be hdc1.

Here is my understanding of linux IDE device names and terminology:

First (Primary) IDE controller, Master Drive IDE0 = hda
First (Primary) IDE controller, Slave Drive IDE1 = hdb

Second IDE controller, Master Drive IDE0 = hdc
Second IDE controller, Slave Drive IDE1 = hdd

For most prebuilt PCs, the factory installed hard drive is Primary Master (hda) and the factory installed CDROM / CDRW / DVD drive is Secondary Master (hdc).

Posted by ramaswamyps on Jan. 16 2005,18:15
it seems i cannot install dsl in my hdc1
the dsl-hdinstall has default setup to hda1 and hda2
although i was able to cfdisk hdc and the dsl recognises as swap drive upon installation it says ccoudnot find linux partition
i have partitioned hdc1 bootable linux swap hdc2 logical linux and a free space
each has got 2gb size
now i think iwill have to exchange the connectors after all to make the present secondary hdd to primary then try
unless u have a different suggestion
thanks for helping

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