making my-dsl executableForum: Other Help Topics Topic: making my-dsl executable started by: Patrick Posted by Patrick on Dec. 31 2004,13:24
I there a way to (automatically execute a just installed/mydsl-loaded) application? I need to have a command-line/script? with which does 2 things: 1) execute mydsl-load "application".dsl and then 2) execute the appropiate file of the "application".example: 1) mydsl-load openoffice.dsl 2) sudo /opt/openoffice/soffice --calc Maybe there is a way to add lines to the DSL-file itself so that if i would type openoffice.dsl in a term it would unpack/install and execute the application automatic..?? Posted by clacker on Dec. 31 2004,13:43
Patrick, there are a lot of people better than me at bash shell scripts, but a first cut would be to put this text into a new file:
Say you called that text file ooc, you would then make that script executable by typing chmod 777 ooc so that the script would run when you type ooc into a terminal. move it to the /usr/bin directory so that no matter where you are, the system will be able to find it. This simple script doesn't check for an already loaded openoffice.dsl which would be a nice thing to add. It would need to skip that first mydsl-load line if one of the openoffice files was present. Another choice would be to put the openoffice.dsl in the root directory (/) and then it loads automatically at startup. Then you would only need to make a command to compress your /opt/openoffice/soffice --calc line Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 31 2004,15:15
Unfortunately this doesn't work. It would be a really handy thing to be able to execute commands during mydsl installation, but at the same time it opens up a possiblity of harm to unsuspecting users. You could do this yourself by modifying the /usr/bin/mydsl-install script....there are lots of ways to carry out an execution, so I'm not even going to begin here.
[ -x /opt/openoffice/soffice ] || mydsl-load /path/to/openoffice.dsl Posted by Patrick on Dec. 31 2004,16:32
Thnx for the input guyz..The reason that i don't have openoffice.dsl (and some other dsl's) in the root of my bootdevice is that i already got lots of dsl's there and adding the office-dsl (and others) was too much for the memory-capacity of my pc (frugal install/ramdisk). Also: adding lots of dsl's in the root made the booting lots slower... (so i made a map called: "my-dsl" and put the bigger dsl's there so they won't installed at boottime and delay the booting) |