mount uci file error

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: mount uci file error
started by: subarus

Posted by subarus on Nov. 17 2004,13:15
I get this error when I tried to mount it:
root@box:~# insmod cloop file=/mnt/hda1/optional/firefox.uci
Using /KNOPPIX/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/block/cloop.o
insmod: a module named cloop already exists

ofcoz it already exist, i know that its used by knoppix ie.
/dev/cloop on /KNOPPIX type iso9660 (ro)

but I also know that more than one cloop can be mounted if its mounted using MyDSL, so how can I mount it manually?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 17 2004,13:41
Truly, the "mydsl" button in emelfm mounts and unmounts the .uci files with ease.
But, if you insist...
The cloop device ( /dev/cloop ) is already in use.
But there are 7 more cloop devices , labeled cloop1 thru cloop7 .
The "cloop" module is already loaded , so no need to insmod it ..

Try using a "mount" command for cloop files , instead of insmod.

For example, opera.uci

as root:
mkdir /opt/opera
mount /home/dsl/opera.uci /opt/opera -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop1
...That mounts it , but you'll still need to install the user files for the icons/menus
cd /opt/opera
tar -c / -zxvf user.tar.gz

You may need to substitute cloop1 for another cloop , depending on how many are already in use.

And the mydsl button in emelfm makes it easy to "unmount" the device as well
Just highlight the original *.uci file you used to install and click the mydsl button again..


Posted by subarus on Nov. 17 2004,14:54
Quote (ke4nt1 @ Nov. 17 2004,08:41)
Truly, the "mydsl" button in emelfm mounts and unmounts the .uci files with ease.
But, if you insist...
The cloop device ( /dev/cloop ) is already in use.
But there are 7 more cloop devices , labeled cloop1 thru cloop7 .
The "cloop" module is already loaded , so no need to insmod it ..

Try using a "mount" command for cloop files , instead of insmod.

For example, opera.uci

as root:
mkdir /opt/opera
mount /home/dsl/opera.uci /opt/opera -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop1
...That mounts it , but you'll still need to install the user files for the icons/menus
cd /opt/opera
tar -c / -zxvf user.tar.gz

You may need to substitute cloop1 for another cloop , depending on how many are already in use.

And the mydsl button in emelfm makes it easy to "unmount" the device as well
Just highlight the original *.uci file you used to install and click the mydsl button again..


I dont get it.

1) when I mount using emelfm or mydsl-load or using ' mount /mnt/hda1/optional/firefox.uci /opt/firefox -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop1 , I get these dmesg error:

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
printing eip:
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<00000000>]    Not tainted
EFLAGS: 00010282
eax: 00000000   ebx: c15074d0   ecx: c02a41e0   edx: dbbae970
esi: c17f5c34   edi: dae6eec4   ebp: 00000000   esp: dad81e74
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process mount (pid: 1130, stackpage=dad81000)
Stack: c012e566 dbbae970 c15074d0 00000200 00000000 00000200 e0cbf000 00001000
      00000001 00000000 00000000 dae6ee00 e0b8926c dbbae970 dad81ef4 dad81ec8
      e0b89124 dae6ee00 00000000 e0cbf000 e0b8ab74 00000000 00000200 dad81ed8
Call Trace:    [<c012e566>] [<e0b8926c>] [<e0b89124>] [<e0b8ab74>] [<e0b8ab74>]
 [<e0b89842>] [<e0b8ab74>] [<c012a3ba>] [<e0b89dcc>] [<e0b8a849>] [<e0b89f03>]
 [<c0144829>] [<c014cd08>] [<c0108997>]

Code:  Bad EIP value.

------ END DMESG ERROR-----

your message made me realise that you are mounting uci file at /home/dsl/firefox.uci . When I copied the file to the said location it mounts and the application can be launched perfectly BUT how does copying it to /home/dsl save ram space ??? /home/dsl reside in ram !

mounting the uci file from a hardisk or cdrom causes the dmesg error above..

2)  I also realised that mydsl mount the uci files from /tmp area, which is actually ram area!!

please shed some light

Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 17 2004,16:49
I'm not sure of the cause of your dmesg output error.

The command string I provided mounts the cloop filesystem in /opt/opera ,
the one I instructed for you to mkdir, not /home/dsl .  
The location of my source, opera.uci file was in /home/dsl for this example..

I actually keep it on another partition, where I store ALL my extensions.
So I have no "ram" issues to be concerned with, regarding the location of my .uci files ..
I do not get dmesg errors when mounting the file from another location,
like your /mnt/hda1/optional , or /cdrom , or from USBkey (/mnt/sda1).

Perhaps that was a bad example,
but if you used Firefox or Glinks/dillo to download the file from the repository,
that is where it defaults to placing the file.

You are correct about the /home/dsl being in ram.
Also, /tmp AND /opt are in ram and writable ..

But compare to a typical .dsl file ,
which is a compressed tarball that usually is saved in your ramspace, ( home/dsl or /tmp )
then installs it into another area of your ramspace ( e.g.  opt/opera ) ,
Then runs in more ram...  three cycles of ram usage.

The .uci is home to both compressed image AND filesystem.
It simply mounts/links to the /opt/opera location.
The one file is doing both jobs. only 2 cycles of ram usage.

If you load or mount either .dsl files or .uci files from another location, you save one cycle of ram usage in each case.


Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 17 2004,18:02
Are you storing your *.uci files on a NTFS (Windows NT/2000/XP) filesystem?

I am not sure if you can do this without errors.

Try putting the *.uci file on a cd-r disk or on a USB flash drive (usually is FAT16 or FAT32 filesystem).

Posted by subarus on Nov. 18 2004,00:48
Yes, my uci files reside on NTFS.
I shall try it on cd-r and report findings.

Posted by subarus on Nov. 18 2004,01:04
uci files on cdrom mounts fine.

mount shows: /cdrom/firefox on /opt/firefox so the large file reside on cdrom and rom is not being consumed, so this is good.

looks like there is a problem mounting uci residing on ntfs.


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