Backup for a dial-up connection

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Backup for a dial-up connection
started by: meo

Posted by meo on Nov. 11 2004,19:48
I just know that a file or more from /etc are needed for a dial-up connection. I just don't know which file or files it is. Don't want to backup the whole etc-directory just to make the connection work without having to configure it every time I boot. So if anyone can give me a hint I would be truly grateful.

Have fun,

Posted by roberts on Nov. 11 2004,20:06
Probably /etc/chatscripts. What version of DSL are you running?
As this was linked under /opt/ppp for easy backup/restore on newer versions of DSL.

Posted by meo on Nov. 11 2004,20:22
Thanks a lot! I haven't tried to make a backup since I realised that something i etc was needed. I am running 0.8.4 now so as I understand I just have to backup opt/ppp to make it work. Thanks again!

Let's all keep on having fun,

P.S. I e-mailed you suggesting that you offer blank 50 MB cd-r's in the DSL-shop. I hope you will do that soon! D.S.

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