Is it possible to extract the KNOPPIX file?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Is it possible to extract the KNOPPIX file?
started by: Daid

Posted by Daid on Nov. 10 2004,19:07
Ok, simple question. Does anyone know if it's possible to extract the KNOPPIX file? (without booting from it)

I want to resize the iso file to 36MB (I found a few 36MB CDs) so I need to remaster it. But I don't have any CD burned with DSL, and the 36MB CDs are the only one I have left.

I do have a server running on slackware, so I have access to all the normal *nix commands. But I cannot boot it into the iso, because it's a webserver.

Mmm, I should have looked a bit more before posting.
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here seems to be some info.
It it works then i'll put up a small guide.
EDIT2: Darn, ran out of mem... maybe I should setup swap space on a 96MB ram machine.

Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 10 2004,22:51
Just create a swapfile bud


Posted by Daid on Nov. 11 2004,17:38
Quote (AwPhuch @ Nov. 10 2004,23:51)
Just create a swapfile bud

I would.. if I had any diskspace left.

Anyhow, I managed to extract the KNOPPIX file today, by using a KnoppixCD.
But I think I also could have used the DSL-Embedded version.

Anyhow, once you get there it's pretty easy to 'extract' the KNOPPIX file.

Setup a loopback device: (note: /dev/cloop1, because /dev/cloop is taken by KNOPPIX/DSL already)
Code Sample
losetup /dev/cloop1 /mnt/iso/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Then mount that loopback device: (note: you might need to mkdir /mnt/cloop1 1st)
Code Sample
mount /dev/cloop1 /mnt/cloop1

Then you can simply copy all the contents from /mnt/cloop1 to any other place.

Now I just need to remove enough stuff to make it 36MB...

Posted by ico2 on Nov. 11 2004,18:13
whoot, i needed to know how to make a loopfs :)
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