how can i save anything

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: how can i save anything
started by: bk11220

Posted by bk11220 on Nov. 09 2004,04:35
I downloaded DSL from this link < >
Posted by roberts on Nov. 09 2004,06:22
That link is for the dsl-embedded version.
You can save data via the filetool.lst, select hda as the backup device.
You need to read "getting started" and become familiar with the concept of adding files to be saved with the simple text file called filetool.lst

Posted by bk11220 on Nov. 09 2004,07:01
my connection dropped earlier, before i was able to finish my post.  

I just download the embedded version of DSL, and am running it on Windows.  I DID NOT installed it, nor am I booting it from floppy, cd or other medium.  

That said, how do I save:
1) files and directories i created when useing DSL
2) configurations

Please provide me with step by step instructions or a direct link.  I am new to Linux.  Thank you very much for your help:)

Posted by bk11220 on Nov. 09 2004,07:29
furthermore, when i run filetool.lst, it prints "No such file or directory found" for opt/pp, opt/, etc.  there's a total of 8 of them.
Posted by henk1955 on Nov. 09 2004,11:14
1. you do not exec filetool.lst ( it is a textfile that discribes which files or dirs you want to save)
2. if you want files or dir backedup (saved) edit filetool.lst.
3. do not use the backup/restore from the DSLpanel ( there is a little bug, the filetool.lua script cant write to /opt/.backup_device)
use right-click menu System-Backup/Restore
4. last but not least do read the "Getting Started with DSL Version 0.8.3) it pops up right in front of your nose when DSL starts.

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