Absolute Beginner

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Absolute Beginner
started by: Thrutch

Posted by Thrutch on Nov. 05 2004,13:30
I have zero experience with Linux, which is possibly why I am finding this so frustrating.

What I want is a CD that boots into Firefox so that I have a dumb terminal on the shop floor of my factory.

I have tried following the help files to edit my startup files, but I cannot save them once edited.

I cannot read data saved on my pen drive because "you do not have read access"

Please point me at some (simple) configuration options.


Posted by treborsux on Nov. 05 2004,19:48
I installed DSL to a pen drive
Boots good
I installed firefox then I changed the style
But when I reboot it is back to the begining all is gone
I have been reading on the forum about back up and restore do i have to do that everytime i boot??
is there a way to just boot to the clean style with nothing but firefox on the desktop? How do i do that on the pen drive.
Please help

Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 06 2004,03:28
Quote (treborsux @ Nov. 05 2004,14:48)
I installed DSL to a pen drive
Boots good
I installed firefox then I changed the style
But when I reboot it is back to the begining all is gone
I have been reading on the forum about back up and restore do i have to do that everytime i boot??
is there a way to just boot to the clean style with nothing but firefox on the desktop? How do i do that on the pen drive.
Please help

Dude quit flooding the board


Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 06 2004,03:33
Quote (Thrutch @ Nov. 05 2004,08:30)
I have zero experience with Linux, which is possibly why I am finding this so frustrating.

What I want is a CD that boots into Firefox so that I have a dumb terminal on the shop floor of my factory.

I have tried following the help files to edit my startup files, but I cannot save them once edited.

I cannot read data saved on my pen drive because "you do not have read access"

Please point me at some (simple) configuration options.


you will more than likely have to remaster the cd with just the firefox installed...

You can do a HD install and use whitebox to remove all the desktop shortcuts (right mouse click options) and delete all the other files that you dont want on there...

Leave the rightmouse click option to open a terminal so you can have shell access in case you need it..but remove everything else...


Posted by regsx on Nov. 06 2004,08:56

there's a Morphix distro that's a Firefox kiosk ... it might be firefox-1.iso here:
< http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=71814 >

Posted by Thrutch on Nov. 06 2004,15:58
Quote (Guest @ Nov. 06 2004,03:56)

there's a Morphix distro that's a Firefox kiosk ... it might be firefox-1.iso here:
< http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=71814 >

Fantastic - just what I am looking for.

Thanks regsx.

Posted by treborsux on Nov. 06 2004,16:37
sweet thanks perfect
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