installing to my mp3 player

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: installing to my mp3 player
started by: nutpants

Posted by nutpants on Oct. 05 2004,07:20
is it possible to install dsl to my rio cali mp3 players 128 mb of memory, and still use my mp3 player with the expanstion card?

i know that i can save files and pics to the mp3 player and use it as a genral purpose drive but i cant delete bookmarks ( i dont think or it auto recreates it).

I would love to have dsl on my mp3 player as i take it most places..


Posted by WoofyDugfock on Oct. 07 2004,07:51
If your mp3 player is one of those that is also effectively a usb ram pendrive then you could search the site/board for info on how to install to a usb pendrive.
Posted by nutpants on Oct. 09 2004,01:31
yes I can install as if it was a pess drive , but the problem is that the mp3 player creates a file bookmark.??? ( where the ??? is something i cannot remember) so if the file system has changed it may not be able to create that file and thus will not work.

can you install DSL onto a pen drive forrmated fat????
and keep it formated fat?? and bootable???

or should i just spend the 30$ and buy a pen drive and keep forgetting it when i leave the house???


Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 09 2004,02:45
Yes, you can install DSL to a FAT pendrive. Search the forums for USB FreeDOS loadlin

But yes, you should just pay the $20-30 and get yourself a second device.  DSL will use up a big chuck of your MP3 player, so why not just get an additional device?

If in the USA, search < > for specials on USB storage devices.

Posted by Verlorenrivets on Nov. 04 2004,16:19
Installing to a device that wasn't quite meant for it is keen and spylike. :)
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