Firefox1.0PR and Java 1.5

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Firefox1.0PR and Java 1.5
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Nov. 03 2004,10:55
I am using DSL 0.8.3 on a usb-stick and on this stick i have got firefox-gtk2-1.0PR.dsl working. Also i have got jre1_5_0.uci and it has installed itself in /opt/jre1_5_0 but i can not use it while i am surfing on the internet (with FF1.0PR). I have tried to symlink (in emelfm) ~/.mozilla/plugins with opt/..../ns7-gcc29 but that don't work. Error message : 'cannot overwrite directory' (in emelfm). I tried to change permissions & user/group but that also results in a error message: 'Read only file system'. When i go to a internet-site with an active java-component, FF1.0PR gets killed and the Quality agent of Mozilla comes up. I have no idea what i am doing (wrong)...

Can anybody help?

PS: i 've got the java-uci / java-tar.gz app's on a cd-rom since i don't have the space left on my usb-stick... Maybe that's the problem?

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