Partitionmagic vs QTparted

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Partitionmagic vs QTparted
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 27 2004,13:21
Hi Yall,

I've recently apt-get qtparted from debian and noticed a great difference between Partition Magic (MsDos-rescuedisk) and QTparted (linux). PM = 1,06 Mb (works fine in Dos) and QT= somewhere in the 40/50 Mb range. (i tried it in DSL but couldn't save it because i haven't got the space left on my usb-stick). My intention was to replace all my Dos tools (on the stick) with linux-"contenders" but i am bit surprised by the differents in Mb's. Can someone explain why QT is so big (in mb's), are they equals or is QT much better? (is there a better partition-program 4 linux?)

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 27 2004,14:46
Qt is a bloated gui system.  It's preferred mainly because it's "pretty" and apparently is easy to code.  If you're attempting to be "damn small", however, Qt is not the way to go.  This is particularly true if you're not running KDE.  In that case, not only will you have bloat, but you'll have much slower application startups.

In my opinion, finding a gtk alternative is a much better option.  If you're very concerned about space, ncurses is even better for gui.  Ncurses is very similar to the DOS gui in Partition Magic.

Posted by nick-g on Oct. 29 2004,19:40
You can try using gparted (  It is not as bloated as Qtparted, but still has an excellent gui!


Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 29 2004,20:27
Man thats nice...


Posted by Patrick on Oct. 30 2004,12:52
I installed libparted1.6-12_1.6.14-0.exp.2_i386.deb (dpkg -i) but how do i start it up?

(did i miss the GUI for gparted?)

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 31 2004,05:49
Posted by l0st on Oct. 31 2004,09:05
Is anyone up to making this a mydsl file?
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