installing from floppy disks

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: installing from floppy disks
started by: killer_tank_sa

Posted by killer_tank_sa on Oct. 25 2004,08:23
i am trying to install dsl to a ibm thinkpad 510cs. i got the boot disk to work fine but the i cant seem to get to work. has anyone installed this from floppy only?
Posted by roberts on Oct. 25 2004,14:47
Read the "Getting Started" document

Getting Started->Other Documentation->On CD Documentation->dsl->install_from_floppy

Posted by killer_tank_sa on Oct. 25 2004,22:41
And just were is the getting started document? It isn't on the cd anywhere that i can see. and search here in the forum turns up nothing on a floppy disk install.
Posted by roberts on Oct. 25 2004,23:00
If you have access to any computer that can boot from the cd, then you cannot miss it. It is the opening document. It is on the cd. /usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html or /usr/share/doc/dsl/install_from_floppy.html or just click on the Dillo icon. It is a long document and is on the forum as well. Probably need to search from the begining.
Posted by killer_tank_sa on Oct. 26 2004,03:34
that is the procedure i was useing all i get is boot fail. have made like 30 diffrent boot disks now from in dos and from inside dsl running on another machine.
i have even tried all the old versions no joy oh well i guess ill just put dos back on it and suffer with windows 3.1 garbage. tks anyway.

Posted by roberts on Oct. 26 2004,03:45
I have updated the system FAQ with "Getting Started" and "Install DSL from floppy"
< >

Posted by killer_tank_sa on Oct. 26 2004,07:01
ok i am not sure whats going on the boot floppy made from the boot.img file i have just wont work so i stuck it in my windows machine and was going to look at the files on it and it comes up with the anti-cmos worm on it.  is this just a false positive here i hope.  also where is the boot.img file thats suppose to be on the disk
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