How to disable the screensaver in DSL0.8.3

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: How to disable the screensaver in DSL0.8.3
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 24 2004,18:27
I need to disable the screensaver (blank screen)!

Is this possible (i searched the forum from the beginning, but i couldn't find an answer)

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 24 2004,18:40
Try this thread..

< >


Posted by ypx on Oct. 25 2004,08:32
i was happy thinking about a new release when i saw DSL0.8.3 in the title. but after a quick search, i only found the 0.8.2 i allready downloaded...
is this a typo, or are you betatesting it ? :)

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 25 2004,12:43
........typo.....   :(


Posted by Patrick on Oct. 25 2004,13:08
sorry, my mistake
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