iso emulation

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: iso emulation
started by: ninjaPower

Posted by ninjaPower on Oct. 23 2004,19:42
hey, everybody...I am , of course a newb.

I downloaded the iso last night...Burned it this morning...but these options are confusing in Roxio..

When I choose a bootable cd, it asks me if i want to have emulation. There is 1.11 floppy emulation, 2.88 floppy emulation, Hard drive emulation and no emulation.....

Which one do i use?

thanks for the help in advance!

EDIT: I am also a complete newb to linux too...i have only seen linux in screenshots so far....

Posted by ninjaPower on Oct. 23 2004,21:54
I am soooo stupid...Never mind...I know how to do it now.

I cant believe i did that...

Still if anybody knows any tutorial of linux for newbs, id appreciate it.

Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 24 2004,03:39
< >
< > <----best site ever!!!
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< >

one thing to remember GOOGLE is your friend with linux...if you have a a search and I can almost guarantee someone has found a solution to your problem!

Oh and Welcome to the Revolution!!!


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